CoursePro - LMS Education Multi Purpose Courses School Template
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CoursePro – Responsive Multi-Purpose HTML5 Template is a modern design template suited for agencies or freelancers who want to showcase their work or even sell courses, using a modern design. It even includes a working contact form and proper documentation to guide you while editing this template. Available as WordPress Theme + WooCommerce Shop We’ve used modern technologies and best practices that’s why you can easily work with our product. Education Courses School Template is well organized and very easy to customize, built with Bootstrap 4. Responsive compatible with Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, mobile or any device. All files are clearly organised we believe it will be easy to use and edit them. Its easy to use and navigate as well. W... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
There’s an issue with the template, this is what I’m getting in Safari, a similar error is shown in Chrome.
[Warning] jQuery.Deferred exception: undefined is not a function (near ’...$(’.owl-carousel’).owlCarousel…’) (2) (jquery-3.4.1.min.js, line 2)
(anonymous function) — main.js:230
e — jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2:29459
(anonymous function) — jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2:29757
This can can be reproduced also in the demo site:
Please let me know once it’s fixed.

Review Left On 04/11/2022
In the demo this template appears to be just a one page template. Is this correct? Or is there a page for courses?
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