Overview: If you want to start Investment business like sports and you need a website than Get Reunir will be a perfect choice for you. By using Investment Company Templates and you can present your website in a professional way, making it a very effective source of assistance for your customers. A template suitable for Sports Investment, investment companies, wealth management, financial services companies, asset management and It also can be used for athlete, Sports, basketball, gambling, blackjack, casino, poker, sporting, golf, slots, roulette, prediction, bet service etc. It is designed with Unique concept, clean \u0026amp; modern Look.you can create easily landing page designs, just simply drag and drop blocks. You can customize it very e... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
does it come with multi page design like about us, contact us, user profile, signup, sign in etc.. or just paralax design?

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Hello, there is big issue with this theme.
First item with “counter” class always gets back to another value.
In your demo its 92 from 36967030.
In my version it gets back to 1.
Your demo with issue: http://pixner.net/s4i/Reunir/index-ripples.html
Counter with label “REGISTERED USERS”
Please solve this as fast as possible as my work need to be stopped until this issue is fixed.

Review Left On 04/19/2022
From the incomplete version if you want to install on WordPress
Error The Theme Is Missing The Style.css Stylesheet
Bookflare - A Modern Education & LMS WordPress Theme
Acrony Software and Saas Theme
Exertion - Architecture & Interior Design WordPress Theme
ِِAlcy -Creative Personal Ajax Portfolio html Template
Megan - Industrial & Manufacturing Businesses HTML Template

Review Left On 05/06/2022
when can we expect adding pages like FAQ, About us, Terms&Conditions?
This will be very useful when creating investment page and now theme basicly has only home page with few sections.

Review Left On 05/29/2022
Hello author, I really like the template and want to buy it but have prepurchased questions:
1. Does this theme support multilingual switcher? I want to use some other languages (Russian etc) and keep English.
2. Can I easily add some more pages to this template like: terms, privacy, etc?
3. And the most important question is that how can I bring live sport or sport betting to the template in order for clients to know the result? Because I cannot find any icon for this function.
Thanking you

Review Left On 08/07/2022
What an impressive template I know its just a template but its very useful for my new basketball blog you can see here.

Review Left On 08/18/2022
Hey, I’d like to buy this website but I don’t really understand how it works. The 22$ price what does it include ? Can I modify the template and put 3-4 products that I sell ? Thank you !

Review Left On 10/03/2022
Is this just a template or does it have the plugins that automate the live games? Or is the part of inserting games for the customer to bet not included?