YOP – Cloud HTML Template YOP is a HTML Template specially designed for cloud, IT Software, IT, saas, Technology, hosting, websites You can use this beautiful template for your every need. The Template is based on 1170 Bootstrap based design so this Template will be 100% Fluid responsive on any device. We have tested this in iMac, Macbook Pro, iPhone X, iPad and Samsung S10. In addition, you are getting 16+Unique HTML files. Everything is in Documentation file so that you can change anything easily. For the firs time, We have used REAL Content so that you can change the wording easily. Features 3 Beautifully designed Unique homepages 16+ Beautifully Designed HTML Files 1170 Bootstrap Design 6 awesome case layout 100% Fluid... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Hi, theres something wrong with the contact forms, it just goes to php/contact.php – and nothing happens. (But i do get the email, just that the blank page dont look so good.)

Review Left On 05/02/2022
I love the new app landing page
Pre sale question
1.can we change the menu header link, i no need shopping cart
2.there is no video play section
Can you added
I prefer use YouTube video to embedded
3.can you change the list icon to be using font awesome
4.is the images included on buy package
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