Sweetheart – Responsive Wedding Template Sweetheart is a responsive HTML5 template. It is modern, beautiful, elegant wedding template for wedding. It has two layout (Page layout, Slide layout). We have tried to use modern tools like HTML5, CSS3, latest Bootstrap, SASS, jQuery ect for building this template. Two different type of gallery we added. Grid and Masonry gallery. Couple details, Love story, Countdown, Groomsmen and Bridesmaids, Events almost all kind of wedding features we have tried to use. By changing the $theme-primary-color variable value of the varialbes.scss file you can change the whole template color. RSVP form can send email. It has unique design with amazing features for couples who want to build their wedding website. It... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Hi. Im trying to make ‘Michael & Nevela” button to go back to “Home” when you click it. How can I achieve that?

Review Left On 06/08/2022
Hello, is there a manual to guide us on everything step? I don t find it very user friendly, unless i am missing something. Do we really need to go in the coding to edit it?

Review Left On 06/15/2022
Hey, I’m having problems at this URL : http://gracynsterlingpolk.com The iframe embeds for airtable and youtube don’t seem to be working. Can you help?
Digee - Digital Marketing Agency WordPress Theme
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Review Left On 07/10/2022
Hi, I’m having trouble customizing theme components. Maybe I’m not familiar with sass but I’ve been trying to change background images and box class colours but it’s not changing the style.
for example changing the code on the footer.
footer {
@include background-style( ”../images/footer/test.jpg”, center center, cover, no-repeat, fixed );
Won’t actually change the background image on the sass file.

Review Left On 09/11/2022
Hi thanks for the theme
The countdown is not working edited the date
if ($("#clock").length) {
$('#clock').countdown('2019/10/10', function(event) {
var $this = $(this).html(event.strftime(''
+ ' %D Days '
+ ' %H Hours '
+ ' %M Minutes '
+ ' %S Seconds '));
Here is the html
Our Big Day
Why is it not working?