Changelogs here – Last update 24 January 2020 (v1.1.4) Mayo is perfect for your Portfolio, Blog, Corporate Sites, Agency Sites, Freelancers, Photographer, Creative Professionals and so much more. The theme built with Visual Composer: #1 WordPress Page Builder Plugin and a couple of minutes to allow you to create a custom page with the help of the frontend/backend editor. And It will take the Redux Framework to allow you to highly customize your website. You can so easily touch the full theme features and typography, colors, layout, etc. Also, it will be allowed for frontend customizer. Mayo is shipped everythings you need! Theme Features Powerful Dashboard Visual Composer (Save $34) One Click Demo Import Live Customizer... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Thanks for your purchase! The preloader change options not available in the theme options. However, if you’ve little code knowledge it can be change from the source code. The preloader placed in the templates/tpl-preloader.php

Review Left On 04/08/2022
what about page speed of this theme? Is it optimised? I checked demo site in google PageSpeed Insights and results are not very good

Review Left On 04/10/2022
The template is perfect for us, but we wanted an all black site. Can the page colors be adjusted?
Blood Donation - Activism & Campaign HTML5 Template
Multipurpose eCommerce OpenCart Theme - G2shop
TheRespek - Viral Bimber, Buzzy Magazine HTML5 Template
TechLine - Technology Modern Theme
PLYR - One Page Portfolios For Everyone

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hi there, I purchased the theme, but the Visual Composer plug-in won’t activate on my site. Please help

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hi , the web site is online but I would ask if it’s possibile a change
in the Black Box on the right, is it possible translate in Italian (Project Name = Cliente , Date = Data – Project Link = LINK and replace field CATEGORY with a CUSTOM field or delete Category?
Can you help me?
Thanks a lot
Best Regards
Enrica Baldi

Review Left On 04/19/2022
Hello, I want to use cdn to speed up these public CSS and JS files(like bootstrap, wow.min.js etc). Which document should I modify for the theme?
I try to edit /includes/enqueue.php like this:
wp_enqueue_style('mayo-bootstrap', get_template_directory_uri() . '', 'style');
but isn’t work. so i need your help!

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Hi! Im trying to import demo data and it appears this message in wordpress:
An error occurred while fetching file from:!
Reason: 404 – Not Found.
I already download the Installable Wordpress file only from my account in Envato Market and all the plugins needed in wordpress
I look forward to hear your comments so i can begin editing my website. Thanks

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Hey, Thanks for your Great theme!
I have a question. Can I change the preloader loading icon?

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hello, I just have installed this theme and a reply of wordpress 5.3.3 is that the installation failed, due to missing file style.css. Can you please help me?
Thx Eva

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Why can’t i use WPBakery Builder to edit Blog single page? But the home portfolio page can. I want to set blog single page column value from 8 to 12

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Hi, I’ve purchasd the template and recently started working with it. I’ve made a page with 3 columms in a row with a service box in each. But i don’t need the button below, then when I delete the button text, the 3 columms collapses. How can I delete the button without colapsing the columms. Thanks in advance

Review Left On 05/05/2022
I am having trouble adding more than 8 projects to my portfolio, it doesn’t show even if I change the setting for the portfolio.
Could you please also let me know how I can remove the share button on the bottom of the pages?

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Hello PxlSolutions,
I recently purchased the Mayo theme and have run into an error installing the demo content because of the SSL certs not matching. After consulting with my server guru, we found a manual option to update the theme’s SSL but are struggling to find the exact guidance on how to complete that process- it wants you to use the automatic method that fails.
Can you point me to directions for completing a manual import? Just for reference this is the error code we are receiving:
Reason: http_request_failed – cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired.
Thank you!!

Review Left On 06/07/2022
the collapsing (burger) menu doesn’t seem to give anything out, neither on mobile or laptop narrow screen. even though the menu items are visible on wider screen.
could you please help?

Review Left On 06/26/2022
We have an issue with the portfolio 3 column view.
We have over 50 cases in the portfolio so on the frontpage we just show the portfolio with 9 items (3×3) to make room for other elements.
The default category “All projects” show 9 random cases, this is fine. But if we click on another category e.g. “Institution” we only see 4 (this can change as the sorting is “random”, but 4 out of the 9 items had this category). However the portfolio contain 25 cases in this specific category, so I would expect to see 9 of them and not only 4.
Removing the limit of 9 items on the frontpage is not a good solution for us.
The problem can be seen here (with limit of 9 items)
compare it with here
Hope you can help.
Br Jakob

Review Left On 07/12/2022
I’m having problems with a row which has 4 columns inside. Each column contains a service box module but the last one falls to the line down and it didn’t apear inline whit other three.
In the same way, third and fourth service box columns didn’t show the fave icon.
Thx in advance.

Review Left On 07/24/2022
Hi, my name is Luis.
I bought and installed the Mayo template, but when i try to execute the process to import demo data i received multiple errors (i tried manually too).
Another problem is with responsive mode, because when i try to view this site on a mobile device, the menu doen’t work.
I hope that you can solve these problems very soon.
My apoligies for the bad english.

Review Left On 08/15/2022
Hey! I have some problems to import demo.
The demo import has finished, but there were some import errors.
More details about the errors can be found in this log file
—Importing widgets—
Right sidebar :
Testo – About Me – Widget already exists
Categorie – Categories – Widget already exists
Testo – No Title – Widget already exists
Tag Cloud – Tag Clouds – Widget already exists
Main sidebar :
Testo – About Us – Widget already exists
Pxl Recent Portfolio – Recent Works – Widget already exists
Pxl Social Profiles – Connect With Us – Widget already exists
—Importing Redux settings—
The Redux option name: redux-2, was not found in this WP site, so it was not imported!
—Importing customizer settings—
Error: The customizer import file is not in a correct format. Please make sure to use the correct customizer import file.
I have tried a lot of times…
Can you help me?
Thanks a lot
Best Regards, Enrica

Review Left On 08/28/2022
How can I activate Visual Composer plug-in in theme?
I am newer, Where download the Demo data?