Esox Spec – Factory \u0026amp; Industrial HTML Template Esox Spec – Factory \u0026amp; Industrial HTML Template is particularly designed for factory, industry, plants, mechanical, architecture, power and energy Business Template. Industry contains distinct variety of home pages like Solar Plant, Agriculture, Ship Industry, Leather Industry, Nuclear Plant, Car Industry, Plastic Industry, Construct, Steel Plant and more. The layout is drag responsive and looks attractive at all screen sizes whether it is a desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile. Template is bug free and has been tested on all web browsers. It has many features and can be integrated to any development platform/framework. It can be customized in a very easy way. What do you get? HTML Conte... READ MORE

Review Left On 09/28/2022
I like this theme for my client, and we’re ready to purchase. Just want to check if you’ve noted any bugs that need fixing yet?
Always nervous being the first buyer
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