Zarxio is a Fitness \u0026amp; Gym HTML Template build with Bootstrap 4 framework. You can edit each and everything of this Template according to your need. It looks perfect on all major browsers, tablets and mobile devices. Features SASS File Included 03 Home variant 18 Inner Page Compatible Browsers – Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox Documentation – Yes Layout – Responsive Columns – 4 Files Included -html, JS, css Sources and Credits: Bootstrap v4.0.0 jQuery Animate CSS FontAwesom Owl Carousel Slick Slider Rcounter Waypoints Countdown WOW Preoader Note: Images are not included with the main files. They are used for preview purposes only Note:... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/12/2022
Hello! So in reading comments, the forms do work? I don’t need to add additional customization aside from basic info added in such as email, etc?
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