Istanbul is a creative personal portfolio template, responsive one page based on Bootstrap 4.0.0. You can use it for your personal resume, CV or your portfolio, Istanbul template is written in valid and clean HTML \u0026amp; CSS3 code. It’s easy to customize and also well documented so it’ll suit your needs Features Responsive Layout 8 Color Skins Bootstrap 4 Framework Light/Dark Smoooth transitions Live Style Switcher Clean Code W3C Validated HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 Cross Browser Compatible 100% Customizable, all colors can be customized Project Ima... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Hello Slim,
I sent you an e-mail, but I wanted to write again because you did not return. I know you’re busy, that’s why I’m writing.
I connected to form page to two my e-mail addresses in the form part.
If it is possible for a form sent by visitors to the page to be sent to both of my e-mails at the same time, I would be glad if you could help. If we have to write a single mail, I would be very happy if you could set it as “[email protected]” and send it to me in working condition.
Thank you so much. This week I will deal with my website in detail. If I have a problem, I will contact you.
Thanks. Have a nice day.

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Hello! great template.
I have problems in the portfolio zone. Since I put the code to remove normal or youtube videos to be able to add several “sliders” and the page stops working fine. Any recommendation? (I am doing it as it is as it appears in the documentation).

Review Left On 04/13/2022
My name is Hardik. Your template is really good and I have purchased it. I need little help regarding responsiveness of this template. When I view this template in mobile browser or tablet, it directly shows menu buttons. I want to show my homepage to user which displays in the web browser. Because user have to click on “about me” button to see my profile which in my opinion is not good user experience. Can you please help me regarding this.
Thanks & Regards,
Hardik Sheth
Printona - Print Store
Opins - App Landing WordPress Theme
Dexen - Printing Company WordPress Theme
Bootsland - Creative Bootstrap 4 Landing Page
Plaby - IT Startup WordPress Theme

Review Left On 04/19/2022
I have a problem with index dark of istanbul portfolio (Colore red)
In portfolio section iwant to have only photos, if i change the video or slider form the resising website does not work ?
Can u check please

Review Left On 04/19/2022
I cant install the theme. It says
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme installation failed.

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Hello there , first off i really liked your theme and how light and easy it is to load . I might need some help here .
I want to delay the preloader by 10 seconds because i want to insert a quote along with my name on the bottom , how do i delay the loading time of the preloader .. Thank you

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hi, can the istanbul project be hosted on Netlify or Heroku? Since netlify does not support php, & Heroku does not support static site either. I’m asking this because I’m having difficulties pushing the code to Heroku.

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hello, I gave 5 stars and I really liked your template. I sent you an e-mail, I will be glad if you return.

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hello, I just purchased this theme, but I can’t get it to upload to WordPress. How do I do it? Thanks

Review Left On 05/03/2022
I bought Istanbul html and on portofolio part if i replace the youtube/ iframe and add a simple image format after you click on any item and then close it the site brakes and you can’t do anything but menu button.
I tried this on fresh downloaded unmodified project from themeforest.
Let me know if you can help me and if you needs more info or debug steps .

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hello, following your instructions, i remove the “stopvideo()” function. But now the new sliders don’t work with the controls. I have any sliders in my portfolio.
I wait your answer.

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hello , i want to just add redirect link to my portfolio images like a direct a href not to open a container but only redirection , how would i do that ? thanks

Review Left On 09/28/2022
Hello Celtano, I have the following error message:
Unpacking the package…
Installing theme from uploaded file:
Installing the theme…
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme installation failed.
Wordpress version 5.8.3