Bunas - Multipurpose Business and Corporate Template
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Bunas – Multipurpose Business and Corporate Template Bunas is a Responsive quick and easy customizable Modern Multipurpose Business and Corporate Template that comes with 18+ valid HTML5 pages and 2 home page variations. Buspro offers numerous awesome features like , agency, business, corporate company, business agency, digital agency, start up business, consulting firms, insurance, loan, tax help, investment firm or your just a Blog. Well commented code, well-documented file structure and 24/7 professional and ultra-fast Support. Please contact at [email protected] to get the images used in the demo. Bunas – Core Features 2 Unique Homepage Version 18+ valid HTML5 files All Required Files Available Well Organized Files... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Would be nice to include a select field with compliant CSS style that can be used in a form. I’ve send a request to support regarding this but haven’t got a response.
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