TOGO – Architecture \u0026amp; Interior Template is perfect if you like a minimal, clean and modern design. This template is ideal for architecture companies, interior studio, construction, furniture and those who need an easy, attractive and effective way to share their work with clients. TEMPLATE FEATURES Minimal and Clean Design Based on Bootstrap Latest Version Light and Dark Versions Vertical Sidebar Menu HTML5, CSS3, jQuery Fully Responsive \u0026amp; Mobile Friendly Easy to Customize SEO optimized Retina Ready Fonts Awesome Icons FlatIcon Animate CSS Google Fonts Well Documentation Free Updates W3C valid HTML files Displays well in all modern browsers and devices. CREDITS Bootstrap 4 Themify Icons Animate CSS Google Fonts UPDATES Add... READ MORE

Review Left On 08/10/2022
Bonjour. J’aurais besoins de renseignements concernant la mise en place de la fonctionnalité one page en défilement et non en cliquant sur la barre du menu, merci bien.
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