Goldenblatt – WordPress Theme for Lawyer \u0026amp; Attorney Goldenblatt is a WordPress Theme for law, law firm, law office, lawyer, attorney, legal practitioners, barrister, solicitor but works great also for business consultants and financial advisers. This WP theme is built having in mind profiles of these companies and individuals and their needs, presentation wise. This WP theme features 6 well designed homepages with different look\u0026amp;feel which makes it great for various company profiles. Goldenblatt WordPress Theme for for lawyer \u0026amp; attorney is responsive and retina ready. Goldenblatt offers comprehensive options panel, unique page transitions and distinctive typography and highly rated customizable Cost Calculator plugin t... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
I have a problem. When I go to WP admin it doesn’t show me my homepage. It throws out error 500. When I log out, everything works properly. He begs you for help.

Review Left On 04/27/2022
hello, I purchased and installed the theme but I can’t seem to get the phone number to work. In the themes I used previously when you visited from mobile and clicked on the telephone number it called the number automatically .. here it just jumps to a link inside the page.. and you can’t even copy the number.. there is no way for clients to call us unless they memorize the number.

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Been using your theme for almost 9 months without an issue but today we got a problem. The Settings part of the admin posts or pages edit page is missing, i am talking of the one that apears if Settings is clicked at Screen Options > Screen elements part of the edit page. If i tick the option nothing happens and if I untick it everything disappears, reloading after that has everything at Screen Options unticked and me having to tick them again to apear.
Before the issue apeared Bold builder was not updated followed by a couple of other generic plugins. I updated everything including the theme, no errors or changes happened but settings are still missing.
PHP is still at 7.3 and only major change was a server migration at the 20th of Dec. However, until today 14th of Jan no problems had appeared. Can you help me please?
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Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hi, where can I see for all the icons set (icon7stock)? If there are all my services I can purchase the theme. Thanks

Review Left On 05/03/2022
How can I download the demo of the template in order to customized theme while building the site?

Review Left On 05/05/2022
The latest version of wordpress 5.8 has been released, will this theme be updated to this latest version?

Review Left On 05/07/2022
How can I remove the header and footer from a single page? I tried override theme settings on that page but it doesn’t show that option.

Review Left On 05/20/2022
olá, uma duvida, estou usando o home 1 como principal, mas independente de estar usando home 1 , o banner não fica repulsivo nos aparelhos dispositivos moveis, na verdade o site todo é repulsivo, só que o banner não consegue acompanhar o dispositivo móvel. ele corta, já fiz o teste com todos os home e ele corta de todos , o que eu queria era que o banner principal, ficasse completo independente do aparelho.

Review Left On 06/04/2022
Hello. Where would one paste the Google Analytics code using this theme? Google asks that their Global Site Tag (gtag.js) be placed in the section of the html code of the page, but your theme doe snot seem to have a dedicated place for the Google codes. Can you help?

Review Left On 07/09/2022
Hi. I am a web designer who is new to buying wordpress themes. Once I purchase the theme to use for my client, does the the theme work for years once i put it up for them or do i have to pay for a licence fee each year from you?

Review Left On 08/01/2022
Hello. Is it possible to change the “get cuote” button in home 4 to telephone from home 1? Thank you

Review Left On 08/18/2022
I am currently reviewing templates for a client’s job, i finally concluded that yours best suite my requirements, however, i prefer the Primary color to be WHITE AND GREEN, Not White and Red. So my question is, Can i change the primary color from Reds to Green? (Those button, line and link colors, my clients wants green) Please respond as urgent, i need to make my decision ASAP.
Thank you.

Review Left On 08/26/2022
Hello, recently I am working on your template and it is very beautiful thank you for creation. Just have questions, first how to change font size only mobile version seperately, because when I adjust font size on desktop mode, mobile version font size looks very big. Secondly, how to inrease logo quality, resolution (retina look etc?) and last quesiton; can I change logo position on mobile version?

Review Left On 08/31/2022
I am geI am unable to contact the theme author. Can you please update their theme to the latest version of wocommerce?
Error message:
Your theme (Goldenblatt) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. Suggestions to fix this:
Update your theme to the latest version. If no update is available contact your theme author asking about compatibility with the current WooCommerce version.

Review Left On 10/04/2022
Since the aspect ratio of the desktop screens and the aspect ratio of the mobile screens are completely different, you need to make a separate image for the mobile screens if you want to make sure that a certain area on the image is to be seen.
Once you create the desired portrait image for the mobile resolutions, you can either switch it using custom css, or, clone the existing hero section, set the copy to be visible only on mobile screens, set the original to be visible on desktop screens and assign an optimized hero image to the mobile version of the hero section.
Of course you can do all this using custom css and respective media query statements – whichever method suits you best.
Kind regards,