BizBook – Directory \u0026amp; Listings Template Get the premium business directory templates with the best quality and lowest price and template made for local business, portal, classifieds and all kinds of directory services. A powerful tool for the business directory template with powerful features like listing submission, events, blog posts, lead capture, SEO friendly, source tracking, cool listing filters, user profiles, payment gateway, user dashboard, admin panel and more. Try it today! Template powered with Bootstrap 4.0.Classified ADs:A powerful classified template for the business directory template with powerful features like listing submission, events, blog posts, lead capture, SEO friendly, source tracking, cool listing filters, use... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/29/2022
we have installed the app, but cannot find the admin login details anywhere.
it is not mentioned in the docs anywhere what the admin logins are.
Is it required to use the demo content, or can we start with blank system?
The docs imply that we must use the demo content

Review Left On 06/27/2022
There is option to set enabled one or more modules for example service-expert only available and other module disabled ?
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