CityBook - Directory & Listing WordPress Theme
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CityBook – Directory \u0026amp; Listing WordPress Theme CityBook – Directory \u0026amp; Listing WordPress Theme is perfect if you like a clean and modern design. CityBook a listing directory theme that will help you create, manage and monetize a local or global directory site. The first Directory \u0026amp; Listing theme on the market with Listing Type Builder! What’s will coming in updates? [Relased] – Multiple currencies with switcher [Relased] – Availability calendar widget with meta options for different prices for each day [Relased] – Schema Markup: each listing type can have schema template check Advanced tab. – VIDEO [Relased] – Built-in LAZY load images. [Relased] – Coupon/Discount: Listing owner can add coupon then disp... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022

There are a lot of bugs in theme (padding issues, content/features not working properly or at all) and support is almost non-existent. Has potential to be great, but not there yet. The glitches not working need to be fixed asap and response time for your support needs to be at max 48-72 hours. Not weeks later. Possibly creating a more detailed video on how to use your theme would also help. The one you have is too short and doesn't explain how to use the theme's features.

Review Left On 04/09/2022

Hello,Excellent theme : design, features, clean code. I advise you to master php edition in order to personnalize it, but it is the case for almost every Wordpress theme after all.-----
I did not want to write this as the first lines : I am trying to contact support, but I am still waiting the password that should have been sent in my emails. Could you please check this please ? I remain at your disposal for any information.Many thanks.

Review Left On 04/11/2022

Wasted my time with this theme. Every thing was fine until update 2.0.0 came in. I will be deleting this theme and will be going with ListingPro.
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Orinofood - Organic Opencart Theme (Included Color Swatches)

Review Left On 04/11/2022

Still have bugs, must improved mobile view, responsive, and the page speed. Mobile responsive is more important than desktop due to nowadays people spend much time on their smart phone. So, please highly focused on mobile user experience.

Review Left On 04/12/2022

Very slow loading
Not really mobile friendly
Lack of Support
Missing documentation
No 100% WPML support as toldWasted a lot of time!

Review Left On 04/12/2022
When the plugin “CityBook Add-Ons” is active, giving error and site not working—> (504 Gateway Time-out – nginx)
I try to delete & reinstall the plugin, but nothing happen, same error.
everything is updated at the last version (theme & plugin).
Please help me,

Review Left On 04/15/2022

No no, dont get me wrong, I love the theme and it works, just wish it had more options to customize header and colors. Or maybe its just my uneducated a*s

Review Left On 04/16/2022

The support service is not available at all, it needs 24 hours to support it. this site is quite unclear.

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Hello, I’m interested to buy this theme but I have a question please before buying. Can make a listing featured? Thanks!

Review Left On 04/17/2022

I bought 2 themes from CTHthemes, first is Lambert, now is Citybook.
With booking themes, i have bought and try Findgo, Listify, Listing Pro, Citybook. I decide to use Citybook. Hope team will keep updating theme function and fix all errors. Thanks.

Review Left On 04/23/2022

INCREDIBLE, FABULOUS, SUPER - I VERY RECOMMEND EVERYONE WHO NEEDS THE DIRECTORY & LISTING SITE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1. The theme is the best directory/listing/classifieds avaiable on internet so far . Fast loading time, beautiful, rich snippets , tons of settings - Great work.2. Choosing elementor as the builder is the perfect decision. I didn't know this builder prior to buying this theme, i didn't even know something else than visual composer - which is in almost every theme here Elementor is fast, easy, fun to build with it.3. AWESOME support is also top notch. They always answer fast (and the rare time they take 48h to answer it's because they are finalizing the new update and warn you with a banner on support desk that support may take more time than usual because of that, they don't leave you in the dark), they find solutions to your problems, they listen to requests, don't make fake promises about features or deadlines and even better, are part of the few developpers on envato who don't stop to give you support and listen if you have feature requests, want to report a bug etc. because your support has expired since 2 days.
P.S. I do not understand the guy who put one star - or he without eyes or with curved hands - it seems all at once - everything is configured easily and quickly .Thanks CTH - i am Happy

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Question before purchase, is it possible to pay for the personalization of a local payment solution by woocommerce?

Review Left On 04/27/2022

Özelleştirilebilir olması çok güzel. Çoğu özellikleri gayet güzel. Özellikle etkinliklere eklenen süre seçimleri güzel olmuş. Ama Wilcity temasındaki bazı özellikleri de eklerler ise daha güzel olur.
Bunlar; kullanıcılar panellerinde ekledikleri yerleri ayrıntılı bir şekilde görüntüleyebiliyor, kim görmüş bugün kaç defa görülmüş gibi.
Bir işletme etkinlik eklerse işletmenin sayfasında alt tarafta etkinlikleri gözüküyor, oradan etkinliğe geçiş yapılabiliyor.
Paket tanımlamalarında çok daha fazla yetki ve seçenek eklenebiliyor. da kullanıyorum. ama bazı özellikleri kullandığımda değişik hatalar oluşuyor, Mesela başlık resimlerini slayt olarak seçmez isem yukarıdaki detay, özellikler facts gibi menü satırı resim üstünde kalıyor, düzenleme yaparken sayfada kullanılan ikonlar kaybolabiliyor, sayfada olması gereken yazar ile etkileşim formundaki isim ve başlık kısmı kayboluyor sadece mesaj kısmı kalıyor.
bir de yazarların aldığı komisyonlar satış fiyatı içine dahil olarak seçilebilmeli. Ama genel olarak en güzel gözüken directory teması. Bu sorunlar umarım kısa sürede çözülür.

Review Left On 04/27/2022

hello sir,you are not giving the reply in early times...because i have to complete within my dead line to publish ...but you are not giving the reply immediatelymy issues in my website..wwww.inbajaar.com1) if i add in cart then clicking on cart it is going to direct home page
2) while clicking on Check out icon then it is show risk on showplease rectify the problems after i will send another problems

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Hi, We have an ajax loading issue in the theme default. When going through the listings on 3rd page we are running into the issue if we click on a business listing and then click back button, it does not click back to the previous page it goes back to the home page or page 1 of the listings. I want normal page load instead of ajax loading in the pagination. Can you help me to change the option from the theme backend. Thank you

Review Left On 04/30/2022

This is a bad product, Don´t buy it! Unless of course you want to fix all the issues by yourself, and wait 24 to 48 hours to have a reply from the "support team". 2 weeks having this already and i have plenty of issues, is not fullycustomizable, code quality is not what you expect, customer support is slow and ineffective. And the worst!, they reply and act as they really dont care. is like they didnt receive customer care training. I had to answer some of the questions other buyers had because they take more than 24 hours to reply.

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hello there!”
Does the theme demo include examples of listed businesses? or should they be created?
I think your theme is great!

Review Left On 05/06/2022
It’s been a while that i’ve not use your solutiion for listings project (i’ve used it 5 or 6 years ago) very nice and easy to set it.
Few questions as i saw your new features and updates.
Can i have a link where i can check all booking steps ?
it seems that on your demo booking is desactivated
Can each listing owners set their own booking
differents prices for parents and children – different prices depeding days (saturday – sunday more or less expensive / day)
is there a way to add hourly booking insetad of days
Is there a way to add booking package (adding hours when creating the package)
How does it work for website owner when booking are done for listing owners
Can he decides how much comission amount it will receive on each bookings ?
How does it work ? It is the website owner that take his comission and auto pay listing owners via a command ?
Thx for letting me know please

Review Left On 05/30/2022
Hi! I want to know before buying your item about the possibility of having two languages running together.
I’ve read your documentation about how to use Loco Translate but I’m wondering if it’s possible to use Polylang plugin with your theme, is that possible? Many thanks!

Review Left On 06/04/2022
Is it possible to extend or upgrade ads in this system?
For example, an ad went to the bottom of the list. Is it possible to return the ad at the top of the list with the ability to pay?

Review Left On 06/08/2022

Beautiful look and design but some code not look good example on 404 page button is not centered,search button also on posts sidebar,loader on website sometime load infinitive time and I must restore website almost every second day and after that must work again and again.Support awful.

Review Left On 06/27/2022

This is a fantastic product, easy to customise, easy to install, looks professional and just works beautifully.HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

Review Left On 07/20/2022

This is a good theme, it is a bit incomplete in its notification system and some other functions but the biggest headache is the SUPPORT SERVICE IS TERRIBLY INCONSISTENT!! Misses support questions, sometimes ignores some, and replies to the easy ones.
If one does get the developer to fix or add something essential to the theme, its another headache to get them to fix it properly as there is almost always something amiss (e.g listing slider (new), email notifications, message system, alerts, booking Inquiry widget, payment plan, monetization, promoted listings) many of the mentioned functions are limited to the options provided for by the developer. Now for the good stuff. Beautiful theme, developer has added some essential fixes I requested, which means I got attention (even though I didnt fully get what we wanted). Listing type builder is awesome,this theme is very developer friendly but I'm no developer and there is a big learning curve with this theme. If you plan on adding functions or needing specific stuff, be ready to get your PHP dirty, as the developer does not seem to accept customizations (I requested a quote multiple times). There are workarounds for many functions but it requires extra plugins and short codes.I have wasted so much time on this theme its ridiculous. Support needs more hands on deck!!!

Review Left On 08/07/2022

Great theme.
Quality modern design, you can easily and quickly change for yourself.
Good functionality and the developer quickly adds a new functionality.
They listen to the wishes and promptly help with the solution of tasks.Of all the themes in this category, this is the best!
I'm pleased with the purchase.
Thank you for the excellent work!

Review Left On 08/24/2022
Je rencontre plusieurs problèmes avec la page panier lorsqu’on veut souscrire un plan: J’ai paramétré Woocomerce avec la page panier classique et CityBook Addons avec la page Listing Checkout.
1. J’ai le message suivant pour les plans et les produits. • You can’t order a product along with membership package. Je peux valider quand même le panier des plans mais j’ai un souci de paiement( voir point 2) . Par contre je ne peux pas valider le panier des produits Woocommerce.
2.Le moyen de paiement Stripe n’apparait pas sur le site. En effet j’ai paramétré Stripe avec l’extension Woo paiements(Réglage actuel sur le site) et il n’apparait pas dans la page de paiement. Sur le back-office (réglages Citybook Addons) il propose également de saisir les clés API mais ça na fonctionne pas non plus.
Pouvez- vous nous aider dans la résolution des ces problèmes bloquants?
Merci d’avance,

Review Left On 08/27/2022

Really awesome customer support. Theme has a few bugs, but the team is responsive to fixing them all when brought up.

Review Left On 09/13/2022
Hi!I want to buy a theme but, I would like to know the difference between TownHub and CityBook. Could you please give me details of difference?