React Creative Agency, React Portfolio and Corporate Multi Purpose Template - Trydo
ThemeForest Rating | 5

Welcome to our React Creative Agency, React Portfolio and Corporate Multi Purpose Template. It comes with React and Bootstrap 4. We created with component based and developer friendly modern pure JavaScript, not jQuery. Its comes with modern design and a faster loading react template. It has available Creative Agency, Creative Agency Landing, Personal Portfolio, Personal Portfolio Landing, Minimal Portfolio, Home Particles, Degital Agency, Business, Home Parallax, Startup, Studio Agency, Freelancer, Minimal Portfolio Parallax, and other needed inner or details pages availability. By following multiple component you can build a website as you like. Trydo is well documented, very easy to use, Easily Customized, loads faster and provides bett... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
I have download the latest code, I tried to npm install but getting an error. I am usng node – v16.13.0 and npm 8.1.0. I have pruchased in last year. now support period is expired. My question is
Does it pay again for support ? even I simply downloaded and started to npm install ( it should be work).
If it yes to pay again for support? but why should I pay for support even I had already purchased the soruce code in last year.
If i unable to face some other problem defenitly I will take your help. but only I download code and run the npm install.. It should work. Request you please guide and help me on this

Review Left On 04/13/2022
I tried to build the theme with node v16.8.0 with npm 7.21.0. The build failed with an error described in So I change node-sass to version 6.0.1, the theme can build. However, when starting the theme there is an incompatibility issue: Node Sass version 6.0.1 is incompatible with ^4.0.0.
Please advise how to build this theme correctly. Thanks!

Review Left On 04/19/2022
Hi, Is this made with create-react-app ? Can I port your templates into Gatsby? Thanks in advance.
Pickbazar - React GraphQL Ecommerce Template
Turitor - Education WordPress Theme
GoodSoul - Charity & Fundraising WordPress Theme
Onum - SEO & Marketing Elementor WordPress Theme
Ohio - Creative Portfolio & Agency WordPress Theme

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hi the site can be tested with npm start. However when I tried to build the site with npm build, and serve the build folder from a web server, the page is blank, and the following error pops in the console:
Uncaught TypeError: Super expression must either be null or a function
at particles.js:668
at particles.js:667
at Object.e.exports (particles.js:653)
at r (particles.js:14)
at Object.e.exports (particles.js:577)
at r (particles.js:14)
at e.exports (particles.js:50)
at Object. (particles.js:4)
at s ((index):1)
at Module.297 (PageScrollTop.js:9)
I have send a ticket please help thank you

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Hi there,
Thank you for contacting us.
“Montserrat” as a Big Heading and “Poppins” as a body text and small heading.
Thank you

Review Left On 05/29/2022
Ho do I fix this error? I do not have support anymore but seems like a fundamental problem.
glob-parent <5.1.2
Severity: high
Regular expression denial of service –
fix available via `npm audit fix`
chokidar 1.0.0-rc1 – 2.1.8
Depends on vulnerable versions of glob-parent
watchpack-chokidar2 *
Depends on vulnerable versions of chokidar
watchpack 1.7.2 – 1.7.5
Depends on vulnerable versions of watchpack-chokidar2

Review Left On 08/02/2022
Hi Sir, how do you change aspect ratio from 390*532 for the photo display? We cannot find it in portfolio component.. . Ticket #3231 please