This is a responsive, modern and clean Portfolio/Resume HTML Template. This HTML template is packed with Typed JS, Font Awesome, Contact Form and more. You can include a little bit about yourself and your contact information such as Address, Phone, Fax and email information. This template is based on the latest Twitters popular front-end framework Bootstrap for fully flexible and responsive layouts. It also uses the latest web technology HTML5 for semantic content structuring and CSS3 for versatile and powerful styling options. MODERN Resume HTML Template comes with five different color themes Blue, Red, Purple, Green and Orange. Features Fully Responsive Design Retina Ready Five Predefined Color Themes AJAX Contact For... READ MORE

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Hello, i purchased your theme 3 weeks ago, and i didn’t see any problems.
But, today, i tried to look my resume on Chrome browser, and i saw that my Skill-circle didn’t work anymore. they are locked on 0% thereas they work on IE..
Have you any idea that can help me ?
Thank you Verry much

Review Left On 05/25/2022
Hi Amroomi,
When trying to load your zip file in Wordpress (“Add a new theme”), I get the following error message “Unpacking the extension archive…..Installation of the theme….The archive could not be installed. The theme does not have a style.css file. The theme installation failed.”
However, the style.css file is in the zip file.
Any clue where the problem is?
FYI I’m a Wordpress beginner.
FYI Purchase code: 0329d83e-8d5a-448b-aab0-61790fa63323
Thanks in advance for your assistance
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