Serverlicious | Web Hosting Very clean, fresh and professional design. Perfect for a Web Hosting business or any computer-related company. As with all my templates, you can add your own logo, Website name, text or photos. Features two compelling layouts: Home page About Keywords hosting, web, server, computer, networking, blue, clean, inviting, professional, business, product, design, contemporary, stylish, software, technology... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Hi Mark, thanks for your comments! Let me address some of your comments.
“Author does not use standard fonts”
They are ALL standard on the Mac.
“Layers are poorly setup.”
Everything is editable on its own layer. There is even a special group at the top of the layers called “header” which will allow you to very easily update the contents inside of the header. I’m sorry that the $8 you pay does not cover me coming around your house to edit the layers for you.
Background pattern was not setup in a way that could be easily tiled. We had to manually count the pixels.
That’s what anyone would have to do – count the tiles. Me included.
Other than these issues the theme looks very nice and fresh but if I had to choose again I would have gone with another template.
No problem! I’m sorry you’ve “wasted” $8 on a template that would usually cost you $200.

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Mark, you’re in the PSD template category. Try the HTML template category, that’s probably what you need. Good luck.

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hi there! Thank you for purchasing my file, hope you like it! There is no HTML because you purchased a PSD from the PSD Templates category. It only includes a PSD. If you purchased it by mistake then please try contacting support. Thanks again!
Ruby Designz Business Template
Business Designz Package
Easy Business (5 in 1)
Silver | Pink & Blue Edition

Review Left On 09/08/2022
This is so misleading. The description says that it’s a “regular license” and yet all I have here is a couple PSDs. I’ve placed a support ticket request to get a refund.

Review Left On 09/11/2022
Then charge more for it and provide a complete solution. I was looking at at templates that cost much more than here but was referred to this site by a friend. Images are generally replaced anyways, for my projects its the layout that is nice to get out of the way quickly. I should have done some more investigation as I assumed templates people pay for actually came with the layout css, my mistake. Obviously I came to the wrong place as half of the products on the site are charging for pictures of website designs.