Clean and fresh Website design. 2 welcome backgrounds to choose from. prototype javascript for enlarged image preview in portfolio section. Five pages included- home, portfolio, services, about and contact. Fully layered PSD for with design for all pages included. Valid XHTML and Valid CSS. Works fine on- IE7, Firefox 3, Safari 3.1 and Google Chrome. Uses stock image from Uses following fonts- Bastardus Sans for headings and Arial. My PSD Templates at TF- My Site Templates at TF-... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/13/2022
just installed theme and wordpress says the installed theme is broken, any ideas?

Review Left On 05/02/2022
Hello rjoshicool
I have added a few jquery plugins to your template and now when I roll over the top nav buttons the footer jumps up a bit and covers part of the lower divs but only in IE FF is fine, would it be possible if you could take a quick look for me?
Thanks in advance

Review Left On 07/11/2022
Hello rjoshicool
Many thanks for checking out an issue that was obviously nothing to do with your layout – thats what you call support
Anyway, I only just noticed myself that it was IE7 on my desktop PC causing the issue, IE8 is fine on my laptop & I kind of fixed it by adding a non breaking space between the divs, probably not the best cure but it works.
Thanks again for having a look.
Art Folio | Portfolio Template
Business Company PSD Template
Freelance Designer - Personal Portfolio Template
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