photon_dark, based on our original template “photon”, is a HTML template designed to be used as a showcase for your own product. It has several excellent features such as: Features Sliding panel on the homepage for you to highlight your product. jQuery popup “buy now” window jQuery animated drop down menu (highly customisable) Extensive page templates featuring multiple column layouts AJAX tab feature for modular content Video support Fully functional PHP contact form 4 colour schemes: Green, Blue, Red, Grey photon_dark makes use of several javascript files, all of which are based on the jQuery library. For full details on which scripts are used please refer to the help file in the template. Enjoy! Like this product? C... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/20/2022
The call was struck from the comment. I’ve removed the tags:
script src=”../../Scripts/swfobject_modified.js” type=”text/javascript”

Review Left On 05/04/2022
works ok in FF3 .
in IE7 , the page loads, then “done” appears at the bottom of the screen and nothing more appears on the screen, just a whited out content area
don’t have a screen shot online

Review Left On 05/04/2022
hey jigowatt
still having issues with alignin flash
and some issues with pretty photo, will only work in firefox
Paper Made - HTML
Web Designer Portfolio template
Business Template
Software Co Html Template

Review Left On 06/19/2022
Hi Will,
Please contact us via email with your problems and include a URL . It’s a little difficult to conduct support through the ThemeForest commenting system and I can’t do a lot without seeing what you’re developing.

Review Left On 08/26/2022
hey jigowatt
got a quick question for you regarding alignment of swf files in this temp
i have been using diffrent embeding code , trying to get the swf centre ect
but nothing is working,
images are all ok using align
but flash will not align
i messed around with you flv player
changing the vals of salign parameter but that swf didnt either
any tips

Review Left On 09/12/2022
Wow I really like this, I am tempted to purchase this now. It could actually look really good as a webhost template aswell.

Review Left On 10/02/2022
Plain and simple. Your theme rocks.. You can really tell when someone puts the time and effort into all of the various features you are offering here for such a great price. The design alone is clean, fresh, and well coded (not to mention that you built it around the fabulous Blueprint framework) but the discrimination in your selection and use of scripts really vaults the theme to another level. I’m a believer.
Technical Question: You call some JS here:
that doesn’t seem to have made it into the download. It looks like it’s a level or two up. Am I missing something?
Keep up the great work!

Review Left On 10/04/2022
Hi deuxexmachina, thanks for your kind words Yes that code was inserted via Dreamweaver when we added the video. I’m not sure why as it didn’t include the script itself and it isn’t even necessary. We will be deleting that line of code and re-uploading shortly but for now if you just go through each page and remove that line you will fix any errors without causing problems.
If you do, be sure to check the JS near the bottom of the page as I believe there is a line of code there to activate the script too which will need removing.