This is a layered .PSD template with Web 2.0 look\u0026amp;feel for Business Companies around a modern, sleek, gray+any color design. The file are good organized in folders for easy to change color palettes or content. Font used: Bluetooth headset image (free for registered users): READ MORE

Review Left On 04/25/2022
I too would purchase this template if it where coded. Sounds like it would be worth your while to hire someone to do that for you. It’s very cheap. Your designs are amazing by the way. Fantastic!

Review Left On 06/30/2022
I would be more apt to buy this if it were sliced and coded as well. If anyone can ping me with a price on doing that (with a good turn around time) please do so and I’ll purchase this.
@kaisersosa: While this is just simply gorgeous, my only critique would be leaving room on the navigation bar for other buttons (making the font/navbar smaller in height) or leaving more room to the right as I find that more often than not, 5 buttons is not enough especially if needing to add “blog”, “portfolio/gallery” and “store”. No, it wouldn’t be hard for people to do, but some people come here so it’s ready to go out of the box. Kudos to you, this is simply great work! This one is flabbergasting.
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Creative Portfolio for Freelancers or Studios
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