Clean Business 2.0 Clean Professional 2.0 design, the kind of web that a client can trust . Vidich Team 1. 5 Subpages ( Home, Services, Products, About Us, Contact ) 2. 5 PSD files 3. jQuery Image Slider 4. jQuery Accordion 5. Working on all the browsers ( IE 6, IE 7, IE 8, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera ) 6. All standard fonts used 7. Fully working PHP contact form The images used on the slider are the originals from the example of this plugin . Kind Regards,... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
If I purchase this and have some questions are you still offering support on modification help?

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Hi. Please forgive my ignorance. Can the names of the subpages be changed? I love the design, but I’m not selling anything on the site.

Review Left On 04/28/2022
I purchased the template… I changed the navigation names at the top on each page, and now the orange rollover icon stays stuck on the “home” link
If i leave the nav. like it is, then it works fine… what could be causing this?
corporate Folio HTML Template
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Review Left On 05/04/2022
Hi! I just bought the template, very nice and clean, im just having a problem in the index, how can i do a link in the right JS sqare? beside the image banner?

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Maybe i didnt explain my self so well, i want to do a link in the right square (js sqare) but when i try i just can make another button, thats not what i want, i just wanna have a link in the text. here is the link, maybe if you see it yo may understand better.
( in the right square in “looking for a job? ” there is a link but it doesnt work… )
If you can help me it will be great!

Review Left On 07/04/2022
Great template.
I’ve used it for a site but the accordion on the right of the slideshow isn’t working in a Safari, Chrome or Opera browser.
Is there something i’ve missed.

Review Left On 07/31/2022
I need to change the navigation and when I do some of them are longer than supplied so this makes the text larger and bumps down to 2 lines.
Any way to avoid this? Thanks in advance.

Review Left On 08/17/2022
Sorry, I figured out where to change the size of the nave bar in the CSS file
I need to remove the search option though and cannot find that. Can you help? Thanks again.

Review Left On 09/15/2022
Great template. Is this wordpress or drupal compatible. Or is there another version?