Clean \u0026amp; Professional – Green Web 2.0 – Vidich Team This theme has been designed for online business or corporations which they wish to have a cool yet professional and clean 2.0 website . You will have an attractive design, powerfull and eye-catching … 1. 5 Subpages ( Home, Services, Portfolio, Contact Us, Blog ) 2. 5 PSD files 3. jQuery Image Slider 4. Working on all the browsers ( IE 6, IE 7, IE 8, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera ) 5. Fully working PHP contact form The images used on the slider are the originals from the example of this plugin . Kind Regards,... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Great theme but..Can you supply the banner PSD , i edited it and it works but the bottom of the banner is a bit higher so it makes the template look funny, and the middle website image (which i left blank) the one which is generated displays outside of the banner..I made the banner correct high and width etc but it didnt work..
EDIT : nvm manages to match the position with the original..
Great Skin!

Review Left On 07/06/2022
The question remains; does it also serve as a WP template (in regards to you putting blog function as a key word)

Review Left On 08/07/2022
thanks to all of you, it’s nice to work for people like you guys…
Vidich Team
Black + White Simple Theme
Business Template #07
Chocolate Flavor
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