A clean, elegant black and white theme. The design uses the Swiss font which isn’t free (you can buy it here) but there are free fonts out there that approximate the look, for example District Thin. The Photoshop design is simple and suited to a site that is going to have beautiful photography. Available in black and white, enjoy! NOTE: This is a PHOTOSHOP only design! )” title=” :)” /\u0026gt;... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Dear Collis Ta’eed CEO of Envato
I want to about Envato if contiune your currently policy you’ll losting much costumers and authors
I writed you personal message in your e-mail [email protected]
And to your Facebook account
I’m was be envato market Author, I from Armenia and I’m 24 year age
I learnerd mysql web development skills! I was started to making HTML Temlates and WordPress Themes
I haved 5 items in my envato account, so just 1 year ago I do without understanding I use my second account and try upload item in my second account and for that my one wrong use envato in my all time what you do Collis? Say me? if I do one wrong without thinking! I not do any copyright or big wrong I just try upload item in my second account and I can’t use envato in my all time! my accounts has been blocked! After blocked I trying use other account possible Envato is my hobby, is very important for my life, my life has been stopped without envato.
I contacted that time support team lead Jimmy J he’s not help me, I added Jimmy contact from LinkedIn he added me in Black List that downing envato rating I try contact to Jimmy from Envato forum page and My forum page blocked up to 3018
Now I write for please your help you’re CEO of Envato I please unlock my account it already 1 year blocked
My username is MikeAvetyan

Review Left On 06/12/2022
Last Update 2 December 08 , why don’t update your item? and expect update from author?
Business Template #07
Chocolate Flavor
Titan Theme - xHTML / CSS -
Clean & Professional - Green Web 2.0 -