- Hi there! This is another gray + 1 color 2.0 style design that’s probably suited to a very complete creative portfolio for freelancers and studios. - It uses the Museo Sans font family for its main logo and titles. http://new.myfonts.com/fonts/exljbris/museo-sans/ - For the general text I’ve actually used Tahoma. - Web social free icon set: http://jwloh.deviantart.com/art/Aquaticus-Social-91014249 - You could change the main color into anyone. Enjoy! K.... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/15/2022
i have downloaded this file multiple times and each time with a different program, I’m unable to get it to unzip. I have used winace, winrar and the windows zip program.
Winace gives error that the header is damaged.
Let me know what else I can try to open this.

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hot DAMN ! That IS sexy!
I would’ve bought this if it had’ve been a WordPress theme.
I’m looking for a good theme with some pizazz right now…

Review Left On 05/10/2022
Every single one of your themes is simply amazing! They clearly stand out of the crowd of PSD templates on ThemeForest. Congratulations and keep up the good work!
Scope PSD Template
Tangent Business Template
Web Designer Portfolio HTML+CSS+PSD
NEOTERIC—The Ultimate Under Construction Page!
Titan Theme - xHTML / CSS -