Innovative – Product Tour is the perfect email template if you’re looking to announce a new product to your audience or if you simply want to introduce new features. While this template was specifically designed for new product announcements, it can easily be updated with a few copy changes to fit any type of email blasts. This template includes: 3 fully labeled and organized PSD files, which can be easily customized to fit your content Layout options include: Left-aligned, Right-aligned, and One Column 3 different background choices: Grid, striped or standard. Colors can be altered with ease. 6 complete HTML files for each layout type, with original styling and in-line styling Tested in all major email browsers for form a... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Great theme! 5 stars rating from me.
Still I have a small issue and I’ve sent you an email, hoping for a quick fix.
Thank you,

Review Left On 04/27/2022
If you want to modify the header using photoshop on windows, you may need this font:
Biz Company - The Elegant Business Website
Holiday Mail
Structured Mail
Corporate - A clean business template