Black Portfolio Drupal 6 Template – Clean and simple folio template with jquery slider effects to show off works can be controlled by keyboard ( arrows, space bar enter ) too, this theme works for web designers, photographers etc.., Features 1. Simple and Easy to use,no need to install any modules for header slider. 2. Header Slider Can Be Managed From Admin, Just Need to Create New Blocks and Insert Image Path and Assign It To Header Region, Each Image Need to Have One Separate Block. 3. Cross Browser Combatability 4. Help Document Credits : Jquery Slider from Note : “Block title” value should be according to its order, for example you gave “block title : 1” and dragge... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Hi Setty,
I’ve have recently purchased your Drupal Black portfolio theme and have set it up. However I can’t get the teasers to show on the front page. ie. Welcome, About us, Services. I have promoted all these pages to the front page. The front page text is showing without a header and the other pages aren’t showing at all. Can you help please.

Review Left On 04/12/2022
Hi Setty, Mike here. I’ve sent you an email regarding some of the problems i’m having with the theme. Any help would be appreciated.

Review Left On 04/14/2022
i have a problem with fckeditor.. it does not load when i use this theme… any help?
iSite - 1 Page Folio + Contact Styling Validation
Blog Mail
Website Corp Drupal 6 Theme
Smart Interiors Drupal 6 Theme
Intersect - HTML Template (8 in 1 skins)

Review Left On 07/13/2022
Even I have the same above problem as mentioned by mattpaice. Can you help me to set proper blocks on front page??

Review Left On 07/14/2022
Hi Setty,
Love this theme, but need more detailed instructions to configure. Can you please help? I’m not getting the sliders to appear. You can see my issues at
Let me know if you need more information.
[email protected]

Review Left On 08/24/2022
Setty, I purchased this template and am excited about using it. My site was originally Drupal 5.21 and I upgraded it to 6.15 as part of my preparation for using your template.
I appear to be having difficulties with the jquery slider on the home page, as well as content in the three bottom columns in the home page. Specifically:
- the images for the slider appear to render vertically instead of horizontally;
- only one page appears in the three columns on the bottom of the home page.
The help PDF doesn’t seem to address the issues I’m dealing with. Would there be any concerns stemming from the Drupal 5x to 6x upgrade? Is there something else I can do to further troubleshoot the odd behavior I’m encountering?

Review Left On 09/16/2022
Hello Setty,
It would be awesome if you had a wordpress version of this theme, because then I would certainly buy it. And plus I think your sales overall would increase if you had more wordpress themes. Good luck!

Review Left On 10/03/2022
Hi, Setty.
I have got the same problem =(
” samnait replied
For the main slider header. I followed the instruction but when i put a second according to the manual. it puts the image on the bottom instead of going to the next image. Do I need to download a plugin? to make it look like the one on the sample?
plz help me.