A truly Professional 1 page Website you can edit seconds… Updated 5.01.2010 iSlida Only: + DEMO BLOG STYLE: + DEMO 5 iSite Designer Backgrounds: + Zebra + Spectrum + Showroom + Street + Nature Contact Form Features: + jQuery Styled Form Elements (Gracefully Degrading) + Ajax enabled without having to Re-Load Page + Drop Down Options field + Only have to add your email address. + STRONG jQuery Validation Template Features: + Looks flawless in IE8, Safari, Firefox, \u0026amp; Chrome. + Awesome Help Page Included + Well Commented Code + Prestyled for multiple Layouts (Full Width, 3 column, etc. + jQuery Enabled Drop Down Menu + Transparent .PNG Support + .png Logo w/ Hover ready for your logo.... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Absolutely perfect for my nefarious plans … Mwahh haa haaaa!
Awesome work Flash_Cart … just one quick question …
Can I have a video display instead of an image when an icon is clicked?

Review Left On 04/26/2022
After a few edits on the page, I’ve bumped into a few issues. The first one is that for some reasons, the “subject” part of the contact form disappeared and not showing. I have no clue how to make it reappear. The other issue is that I’m getting too different look from IE 8 and Firefox 3.5.6 The problem (I assume) is with the CSS settings in demo.css for the contact form and footer. Please take a look here. As you can notice in IE 8 , the contact form top merge with the bottom of the main body and second, there’s a big gap between the contact form bottom with the footer.
That’s my only issues (hopefully last) with the page and I hope you can help me get this fix, please.

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Hi, i’ve purchased your template but i have some problem.
1) the template doesn’t show correctly in IE sometimes, other times in firefox..on different computer/mac
2) the email form doesnt work! neither the original purchased and the version edited by me.
thanks for the reply (:
btw great job
Blog Mail
Website Corp Drupal 6 Theme
Smart Interiors Drupal 6 Theme
SleekFolio - Web 2.0 Designer Portfolio Design
Black Portfolio Drupal 6 Template

Review Left On 05/01/2022
this is a little fake out…you should say its php and needs to be uploaded before it can be tested…

Review Left On 06/20/2022
Hey, I have no idea what files to open to edit the website? Can I PM you so you can help me out?

Review Left On 08/05/2022
Hello there, I tried to add an extra icon to the horizontal menu which was easy to do, then I added a link to be opened in a new page, but did not worked. could you tell me whats the idea of of clicking that part of those menus icon and only displaying an image on that timeline? also I see this work of yours is 9 years old, you should have at least added a small help page giving customers a bit of introduction on how to edit the page since is pure php.

Review Left On 09/26/2022
Howdy Nick,
The slider currently displays only .jpg images. It can be done though I do not currently know how to add this functionality.
If you get it done, please email me the code and I will ensure the app gets updated for anyone else who can benefit from such an additional feature.
Thanks for purchasing.
Sean Sr.