Pinkage is a theme designed to use as a Online Portfolio and a Social Networks Home all in one. You will find it on 3 colors version of each page of the Website, pink, blue and green. Include grids to create correct versions of 1024 or 1280 pixels wide. - 5 psd files - Instructions.txt On the general text I used “Calibri” which is a Vista font but you can change for some other tipography. On the title of the header I used the beautiful “Mail Ray Stuff” tipography which it’s free to download on: For the Social Networks I used the excelent socials icons from DryIcons. You can find it here: Furthermore you... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Sorry aldun1 but Pinkage it’s only a design created to become a theme. In ThemeForest there are few categories and Pinkage is located into PSD Templates.
On the Item Details you can see that the file is composed of 5 psd files with a txt.
In a time if we see that the theme likes we will create the theme in html.
Meanwhile you can use this free html template as a reference to adapt Pinkage theme.
I hope this really helps you.

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Thank you both for warning. It seems that the problem was the width in the preview images. I have upload the correct versions now.
I will notice you when they are correct visible.

Review Left On 04/29/2022
The 80×80 thumbnail looks interesting, but there are nothing else that works to preview the template.
Black Board Portfolio Template
Business Template #09
Asthana Realty Joomla! Template
iMAIL - All Purpose Email Template
Unite - HTML Business, Magazine, Community Site

Review Left On 06/08/2022
This is just PSD files, no THEME files? Where’s the theme? I just purchased but I only got PSD files… What theme is this based on?

Review Left On 07/30/2022
Sorry Massix, we will have to wait until the reviewer have check it and accept it to view it correctly.
I have put a couple of these previews on my web server so while you can take a look of the theme.