This is a conversion template from Asthana Realty PSD Template into Joomla! 1.5 template. The PSD version can be bought separately in here. A simple and clean template and suitable for company profile for any purposes such as realty or property company, university or school or may be just a personal branding blog website. SOURCE FILES INCLUDED Template (Rumi Framework latest version and Skin) Quick Start; is a package file that included all the files needed to install Joomla!1.5 latest stable version with template, components, modules and plugins, also the SQL sample data as content just like the demo showcase. SPECIFICATIONS This template has been successfully tested in Joomla! 1.5 CMS latest version 1.5.15 Based o... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/15/2022
I’m very interested in these design and template. I was wondering if there was a way to have Flash images instead of the static one on the home page?
Yes, you can have your own flash image instead of static one. FYI , the static images on asthana template is a module position, so you can hide it or replace it with your custom module as well.
I purchased and downloaded the template and Rumi framework, only to get the following error message when trying to install it: Error! Could not find an XML setup file in the package.
FYI , rumiframework in this product is a template, to install it separately you must zip the rumiframework directory, then install it from your joomla extension manager menu. But if you download the quickstart files in zip (approx. 6MB) , then you should extract it into your local server or your online server directory. After that you can run this preinstallation by typing your directory url link. This will bring you to Joomla! installation process with our sample data included.
Heru Herlambang
Rumi Framework

Review Left On 04/16/2022
The logo is incorrectly mapped. I’m trying to figure out which file holds this code. Any help would be much appreciated since we all bought this template!

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Could you update this template, so that it the orange header is a module, that is only displayed on the front page? Would be very much appreciated!
iMAIL - All Purpose Email Template
Creative Portfolio Template #04 HTML+CSS+PSD
Advanced Game PSD Layout - Clan website
Product Offers Newsletter
Business Template #09

Review Left On 05/02/2022
I am new to Joomla, but have been able to install other templates successfully, but not this one. It keeps timing out because the zip file is too large. I keep stripping away folders – hoping I don’t need them – to make the file smaller, but it still can’t make it under the 30 second time limit. If I just install the framework folder, I am missing the images and components that are in the main source file. Any thoughts? I poked around in the system and was able to increase the file size but not the time-out limit.
Thanks for being interested with our product. Related to your problem, we would like help you with giving some clues.
FYI , the biggest file in our product here is a quickstart files, this mean, the files are included a Joomla! pre installation. So if you extract this files zip into your local server (xampp or wamp or mamp, etc) then you call your this directory url link, you will be brought to Joomla! 1.5 pre installation page and you can install it like you install Joomla CMS normaly.
Inside this directory, we also attached a sample data (sql) so if you push the button “install sample data” on Main configuration installation page, you will have your site just like what we have in demo. By this way you don’t need to further configuration related to modules position, or even attaching sample images.
But if you like just to install Rumi Framework template, you can put “rumiframework” directory under joomla templates directory. Inside rumiframework template there is skin folder and you can find your Asthana skin under it. Rumi Framework is different method like other Joomla! templates, so why we call it as a template framework. for further information, you can visit official Rumi Framework site.. By doing this way you still have to configure your module position or other configuration in order to have same look like we did in demo.
If you have any other question, please feel free to contact us privately to info[at]
Heru Herlambang
Rumi Framework

Review Left On 05/02/2022
Dear customer,
I just discovered that one of our products here have been hijacked by irresponsible parties. In our license, we never allow anyone to perform redistribution except through ThemeForest or Van De Nito Shop.
Therefore, we will not responsible for and do not provide full support for anyone who buy these pirated products in addition to buying at ThemeForest or Van De Nito Shop.
As a reference of our products that have been hijacked by accident, you can see on the url link below:
Best Regard,
Van De Nito Team.

Review Left On 05/05/2022
@patenko: To me it all looked very complicated in the beginning. But after getting the idea of the rumi framework etc it turned out to be very easy actually. However, if your Apache etc. is configured correct then you will only have to activate the Theme itself by going to “Templates”, click on the rumiframework (it is a link in the list) and there activate the Skin. If the skin is not available either your Server isn’t configured right or you installed the framework-only version which is in the zip also

Review Left On 05/13/2022
Hi, I just installed the template, but the logo couldnt be displayed.

Review Left On 05/21/2022
I would need to change the blue in the footer and menu banner to black. Is this controlled by the CSS or does the PSD need editing? If so is it included with the package?
This Asthana Joomla! template is delivered without psd files, you can buy it separately from too.
Regarding with your question about changing the footer style or menu banner, you can edit it from css, but the background image was converted from psd, specially when you see the gradient image above the footer. but if you just want to change it to basic background color, you can replace this background image and replace it with background color under css.
In developing Joomla! template specially Rumi skins, we always focus on styling element so all things related to style will be controlled by css.
Heru Herlambang
Rumi Framework.

Review Left On 05/25/2022
Hi there,
i’m planing to buy this template, i just wanted to ask. Can i also add submenus ? becouse the demo dosent have any submenu!

Review Left On 06/10/2022
guys I just bought Asthana template, can’t wait to get it going, but when I rain the install, all I got is the Rumi Framework, I have no idea how I’m supposed to activate whichever modules to make this come alive as it should—There clearly needs to be some comprehensive documentation for this . . . looking at this thread, it seems like a lot of anecdotal comments about a series of common issues . . . not to mention some of the youtube links and so on, are non existent, HELP !

Review Left On 07/18/2022
I have a question if i want to create another database name that is not db_user and use que quick installation how i do this

Review Left On 08/20/2022
I know the last person that asked about the logo was 7 months ago with no response. I just posted about where to change the image mapping so it will show up. I just found it. Here you go:
Go to Extensions>Template Manager
Edit the rumiframework (by clicking on it or selecting it and Edit)
Under PARAMSBOX DEV TOOL select SHOW and enter in your IP Address (listed below says YOUR CURRENT LOCAL IP ADDRESS IS …)
SAVE (upper right hand)
Now go to the front end of your site and refresh the page
On the right the RUMI PARAMSBOX should show up
Scroll down to LOGO OPTIONS and take out the http://localhost/asthana – leave /templates/rumiframework/skins/asthana/images/logo.png
The logo should now be showing.