About this file This is the perfect template for any game related layout or for a clan website. Enjoy If you are thinking about launching a website for your game plans then you might be interested in this layered PSD layout with plenty of eye catching features in the design. You will download 4 PSD files containing two versions of the layout in two different colors ( Green and blue ) Each PSD file has around 200 layers each. You can play as you want with this file, and change it for your own needs. Each color has two pages: Home page Inner page All layers have the layer styles attached and you can customize as you want. Fonts The font i have used in Myriad Pro ( included in any windows installation )... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hi… I saw one of your comments said you have the HTML version from about 2 years ago. Do you still have this available? If you do, I will buy immediately.
Let me know asap… thanks!

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hi wld
Yes Myriad pro is included in my windows 7.
I have 4 computers where i have windows 7 installed and i have this font.

Review Left On 05/07/2022
is it possible to make this into a template with a few changes? add me to skype [email protected]
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Lucido Professional Vcard
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Blog as a book!
Creative Portfolio Template #04 HTML+CSS+PSD

Review Left On 07/12/2022
Hi, great design… but are you sure about the “Myriad Pro included in any windows installation”? I know it’s a commercial font.
Can we use that font in our templates? It’s a good news

Review Left On 09/02/2022
Great design, but it’s “only” the psd.
If you would release a css template, I would buy it immediately…