A jQuery powered, animated portfolio template with a featured slideshow, animated services section, YEAR FILTERABLE lightbox enabled portfolio section, a contact section, and a sliding newsletter module. Live Preview Added! Click Here Theme Features Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, pure CSS layout Fully cross browser compatible (IE6 included) Single page multi-section slider design 5 section layouts included (including the newsletter module) Home section with a featured slideshow with customized pager Animated services section with featurelist tabs [Note: Each tab’s content is fully customizable, and not restricted to text. Think “freeform HTML inside a div!”, that’s it. Flash, Javascript, Images, Videos, anything goes.] YEAR FILTERABLE, animate... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/26/2022
I think that you made the changes to the contact form, but I did not get the file. Can I just re download the file and the changes will be there?

Review Left On 05/01/2022
I purchased this template but need help with the contact form. great template.

Review Left On 08/08/2022
Hello! I’m planning to build myself a site and so long this is the perfect template for me. The only thing it lacks, for me, is to have two or three skins to choose (I’m planning to display a different colour every time a user enters the site). Keep up the good work!
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