Focus is a One Page HTML Template, attractive one page portfolio showcase theme. Best suited for Portfolio and business websites, creatives, and individuals who want to quickly publish their portfolio. You can choose 8 variations scheme colour Features: Valid XHTML Simple and Elegant Full completed HTML theme Fully working contact form What you get: One page HTML 6 layered PSD Files Documentation file Working contact form CSS files JS files... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Hi, great work!
Have some troubles with the menu. I see both the normal menu and the menu when js is off. And the last one doesn’t work.
I have a screenshot if you want.
Hope to hear from you.

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Im wondering if there has been any progress on fixing the lightbox when filtering the gallery?
Im also noticing that when the lightbox pops open with the html content (like on the services page) it causes the content from the background (or from the original index file) to jump. I dont notice this jump on the gallery page when opening the jpgs.

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Yes rather disappointed in the level of communication on this one. Do you plan on fixing the bugs on this? If so a time-frame would be greatly appreciated.
Sakura t.
Solid Pro - Creative Joomla
4HIRE - Elegant vCard Template
The Hosting - Landing Page

Review Left On 04/16/2022
This can not be true!! I can not have a simple text link in this template??
Please respond.

Review Left On 04/20/2022
I see you do not respond to any question. This bug is still active:
I am having a problem linking the “Sign Up” button on the bottom of the front page to go to the “Contact Us” tab.
Do you know how ?

Review Left On 04/27/2022
You’d better change the order of the loading of the gmaps js and the js/jquery.gmap-1.1.0-min.js file. Move the latter to last position and you will not have js errors. It will then also show the gmap marker on the map, which isn’t shown on the live preview currently

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Do like this theme,
I am having a problem linking the “Sign Up” button on the bottom of the front page to go to the “Contact Us” tab.
Do you know how ?

Review Left On 05/11/2022
Hi, question: how can I link internaly? I mean in the text I have a click here, but the navigation doesn’t work then.
Can you help me out here?

Review Left On 08/04/2022
Having problems with IE8 and this theme. Can you check it out –
Works fine in Chrome, IE9 , Firefox but not IE8 . Thanks.

Review Left On 08/17/2022
Hi, can you please help me?
Instead of open a picture in the portfolio section, I want to publish an iFRame in the lightbox effect.
How can I do that?

Review Left On 08/18/2022
Few errors,
Internet Explorer 9 doesnt like it.
quote and price doesnt work in ie9
also google chrome doesnt work with price popout.
Can you have these fixed.
Also with the diffrent color styles it dobbles the menu.

Review Left On 09/25/2022
Hi, the contact-script does not work. No ep-mail is received.
What is wrong?