Capstan Business Premium – XHTML Version as you need fully customizable with 10 Color Skins, 10 Background Patterns, 20 Hand picked Google Fonts, Fix width simple and clean layout, JQuery Nivo Slider, 2, 3, 4, Columns Portfolio with Details and Classic View, Tabs, Toggles, Blocks, Columns, Contact Form with Validation \u0026amp; Map, Compatible with almost all major Internet Browsers, Internet Explorer 7+, Opera, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, etc. Updated version 1.5 See changelogs below Main Features Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS3 10 Color Variations 10 Backgrounds Patterns 20 Hand Picked Google API Fonts 15 XHTML Pages Flickr Photostream Latest twitter Tweets JQuery Nivo Content Slider Sortable Portfolio... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
hi, i’ve installed this theme too. but, lived in a little problem. So, I could not adjust the contact us section e-mail address. I just need to file sendmail.php. If possible, please help me

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Anjum you are trying to sell an HTML theme and layout thru the use of a preview yet the preview does not show an HTML preview. It is not a true example of what you are selling.
THAT IS FRAUD !! Put up a full html version of what you are trying to get people to buy

Review Left On 04/16/2022
It is not the same….. You are showing things in the preview that can’t be available in an html version when you are using a the wordpress version.
A does not equal B… It in effect is fraudulent
Borneo Landing Page
Catalyst Wordpress Portfolio Theme
Prolead Landing Page
uDesign - Responsive WordPress Theme

Review Left On 04/19/2022
I’ve installed your theme. I know that I’ve not been until the end of your documents.
However there are 3 things not working properly.
Could you please help me to fix this? Because those “bugs” does not seems to be present in the previeuw version you show…
Theme is installed there :
1) Why do I have two “home” buttons ? The “New” sections is empty, and one of the “home” seems to be the “New”?
2) When we click on one of the menu (main title like ‘home’, ‘news’,’contac’,...) there is a white triangle below the title, which easilly allow the user to know which section he is browsing).
In the theme it’s only appearing if I visit a sub section.
3) The list items, on the footer does not appears properly. They are displayed like a simple list ul li… and not like on your previeuw within the blue line.
Thanks for your help !

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Anjum – I mean some styling to put a table inside the page (and not the whole desing) – I need a style for the element.

Review Left On 04/28/2022
herrbutzie, You’ve made your point TWICE . If you don’t wanna buy this theme on the concerns you have – Don’t… The author seems quite clear he his happy with his theme being previewed as it is. Don’t harp on about it repeatedly.
As buyers, we can all make our own objective decisions on potential purchases. The author is probably trying to safeguard his theme from code theft. Envato don’t seem to have an issue with it so leave it at that.
While I’m here, Nice work Anjum – Best of luck with Sales…

Review Left On 05/03/2022
When i try to load the Live Preview, Kasperky 2012 finds trojans.
jquery-1.5.1.min.js – Trojan-Downloader.JS.JScript.h
counter.php Forbiden:

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Just to let you know I have fixed the problem.
Now it works in all browsers
Thanks for the great template

Review Left On 06/24/2022
Hi Anjum,
I love the template BUT , I have big problems with IE9 with a javascript on the site. I just can’t get it to work at all. Works perfect in Firefox 4 and the latest Google Chrome
Any fix please, this is urgent as my site is live
I have sent you a message via themeforest