“Nothern Lights HTML Template (Mobile)” is a mobile website template with a free-spirit, hand-drawn, and creative look and feel which makes it suitable for a personal portfolio or for creative agency portfolio website. The template has been coded in HTML5 and CSS3 which is supported by modern smartphones as well as all major modern web browsers.... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/12/2022
ie9 go to the work and click on a project. When you go to change the slide it changes the main one on the top not the one for the project.

Review Left On 04/28/2022
hi i really like ur template and i thinking to buy it but i have a problem when i see it in my iphone .. i get the full initial page moved on the right … leaving an empty space on the left … then , if i turn my iphone in orizontal position the page is fine and if i turn it back vertical is fine again but … if i change page again the new page is not centered … any reason of this?

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Love the theme. Apologies in advance for the basic question.
Is it possible to have a different theme for actual website and have people redirected to this theme if viewing on a mobile? is this how it works?
Are instructions included on how to do this?
Skywalker - Powerful Template for Joomla!
Qloudify Business Landing Page
Reviewer - HTML Template for Entertainment Reviews
Focusella Premium Landing Page

Review Left On 08/02/2022
Would love to purchase this product, but just a few questions.
Since its HTML , im assuming i would be bale to modify some of the images and logo to my needs?
also how do i control the banner rotation and its images?
Ive tried opening it on Nexus S 2 .3. and it seems i have to zoom in to view the site on the entire screen. can it auto fit to the screen?
Thank you

Review Left On 08/24/2022
they also work on active state with the exception of slider paging; couldn’t get css to display it on active state.
and to answer why hover, because some smartphone browsers allow you to scroll using a cursor as well.

Review Left On 10/03/2022
Like your theme. We publish videos. What formats are supported? Do you have the code to insert a video en your theme?