The CleanDream is a clean template that people can use that are searching for a awesome back-end interface. Features: w3 Valid: xHTML 1.0 transitional. Cross-browser compatible. Awesome jQuery plugins. Dropdown menu, 3 levels deep. Nice style of displaying statics. All the form elements are nicely styled Awesome looking system notifications. Thumb options with zoom and delete. A nice tab system .PSD nicely layerd and named. Pages included: index.html (login page) dashboard.html typography.html boxgrid.html forms.html gallery.html tables.html more.html Updates: 10 – January – 2012: For those that want a fluid layout… that is now possible! 5 – December – 2011: i have made a nice new update for the theme! Whats new: The tablesor... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
where can i get the demo version? my friend asked me for check the demo version he got n if it is suit for our admin pro he s gonna purchase it n im still lookin for a solution to get the datatable (json-xml). n the one he gave me for check has jq1.6.2.. so where can i get the latest demo version? cheers

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hi dreamwiren.
I download it from nowhere. just i got the table page from ur demo version to try ur table. n everything s gone well n i wanna purchase it now. cheers!

Review Left On 04/19/2022
so it doesn’t actually read off the database and update automatically?? I’d have to enter the numbers all the time?
Mochee Stores Opencart 1.5 Template
White Noise - HTML5 Template
Hosted Landing Page
Vanity Shop
Reviewer - HTML Template for Entertainment Reviews

Review Left On 04/20/2022
Finally I’ve I bought your template but how I can solve my problem on form?
There is a way to use your css for button on input tag? I’m using and control button was rendered with input tag..

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Do you have a fluid version of this template? The Live Preview shows only fixed layout and I’m looking for similar one with fluid layout.

Review Left On 06/11/2022
Hi. It’s possible buil a form where controlo are on more column? Something similar boxes grid page?

Review Left On 06/16/2022
Ive got demo version of CleanDream n if i get the proper way to work with the tables im gonna get n use your template for my admin panels. so the q’s are here..
how am i gonna get the datas into table i mean json format or xml? n if it is 1 of it, whats the format of the array? may i have an example!? example of creating a table in jquery n get the datas(json,xml – from php) into it.

Review Left On 06/25/2022
I checked the link i downloaded the sample but its not u r using on ur page. i ll give u example.
they use;
i tried the demo in ur temp. n in ur jquery which s jquery-1.6.2.min.js doesnt contain that dataTableExt. thats the error it gives. i dont wanna adapt any other table into ur temp. it takes more affort n time. i dont know if u can give me better way but i ll be waitin news from u.
yea in the demo its plain HTML .

Review Left On 07/03/2022
This is what I read into Item details TAB … “10 – January – 2012: For those that want a fluid layout… that is now possible!”. How can I set the layout as fluid as you’ve wrote?

Review Left On 07/29/2022
I seemed to have found a workaround to my previous problem. Basically you find the index of the item with the value you want to change the selectmenu to, and then you assign that index to the selectmenu’s value.
$("#testSelect").selectmenu("value", $("#testSelect :contains('Alpha')").index() );

Review Left On 08/04/2022
hey mate!
Just wondering, this is exactly what i need but before i buy it, how easy is it to set up with my website? so the graphs read my data instead of the data currently on there? I know this is a bit of a dumb question but im new to this side of development sorry!
cheers buddy

Review Left On 08/10/2022
Would it be possible to update the message and button backgrounds with transparent backgrounds? I would like to use them on a non-white colored background. I attempted to make them transparent with an online image tool, but the corners still have white showing. Thank you.

Review Left On 08/26/2022
This template is absolutely amazing, however I seem to be having an issue refreshing the generated selectmenu of a select dropdown, after changing the dropdown’s selected value programmatically.
For example the following code does not work for me, although many others on sites like StackOverflow have had success.
$("#selectbox").val(1); //Select object with value of 1
//This successfully changes the selected value of the hidden select dropdown.
$("#selectbox").selectmenu("refresh",true); //Refresh selectmenu.
//However this does absolutely nothing and the select menu still has the old value selected.
Any assistance in this matter would be most appreciated.

Review Left On 09/16/2022
I’m a Application and Development manager for a multi-billion dollar company. This is some of the finest work I believe I have ever come across. I downloaded this for a personal project

Review Left On 09/18/2022
I’ve been using this for a while now, but I’m patiently awaiting an update for basic things such as. Form error messages, the top info boxes are nice to notify there were errors found on the page, but i feel there a bit clunky when used on a form with multiple errors found.
Anyway you could think about including this in the next release?
Many Thanks

Review Left On 10/04/2022
when you say put the data from my database into the chart html file, is this easy to do? i do have a database set up and working just wouldn’t be sure how to put this info into the chart file? sorry if its annoying getting questions like this, i’ll buy the template if you can just let me know how to put the data from my database into the chart file sorry for hassle mate!