Spotlight is clean and minimalist website template. This is unique template to show off your portfolio/projects. This template suitable for business, agency, personal work and more. Get ‘Spotlight’ now! W3C Valid XHTML Cross browser compatible Unique portfolio style Unlimited level menu Flexible css styling PrettyPhoto gallery Support video \u0026amp; flash gallery PHP contact form Message box, tabs, table style Google map Psd \u0026amp; help file included... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Hi Having a issue with the Sub menu.
When I have a long content in the submenu ? on hover it expands but sometimes it’s behind the page content.
How do I make the sub menu to always show on top of all content.
Please see the examples below.

Review Left On 04/10/2022
I will develop a Greek website with this theme. We recently purchased it. A question: The theme uses Anton Fonts in the menu. Is there any Greek font family to be harminized? We think about IMPACT family but we would also like your suggestion about Greek (especially free!) fonts.

Review Left On 04/20/2022
I’ve got problems with the gallery. I really like the the slide show you get for the Projects. I would like to include a gallery into my text pages, which shows up to 40 images as thumbnails and opens as a slideshow when clicked. I am unable to integrate the gallery which is provided by Spotlight into my normal text pages. I have tried Nextgen gallery but can’t get the slideshow to work. I’d be grateful for any help!
Shop News Email Template
Brick & Mortar - A Personal Business Theme
Creative Single Page Portfolio
Adaptionary PSD Template
Food Recipes - WordPress Theme

Review Left On 05/02/2022
Hi your fix did not work. It’s still appearing behind the items.
The Menu still is not on top and items are still on top of the sub menu.

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Installation instructions? This theme doesnt seem to have any, and I cant get it to install. Can anyone assist?

Review Left On 05/17/2022
Thank you so much for the reply! I bought the wp version, installing it at the moment!

Review Left On 07/08/2022
Hi, I’ve been searching for such a great theme for a while! I do have a question: when you click one of the featured round picture in the demo it gives you a text or a image, is it possible to add a link to it, to set it up so when someone clicks the picture it takes you some other page or website?
Also, I’m familiar with installing theme forest wordpress themes but not a site template. I know that you are supposed to answer me this but I would like to know if I just have to upload the files via ftp and it’s done, if it is really complicated to set up the theme this way. I know you have the wpversion but it is a little out of my budget right now.
This version of Spotlight, the website template, doesn’t have a admnistration pannel does it? (I’m sorry if my questions are really dumb!)
Thank you so much in advance! Beautiful theme!

Review Left On 09/10/2022
Really cool template, awesome work, if i buy it is it possible to change the menu layout to horizontal?
Another thing, sorry to bother you, im wondering that kind of font did you use in this template?
thanks in advance!