Clouden is Responsive HTML Landing Page / One page template Features Responsive Flexslider for image, latest news and reviews prettyPhoto Twitter feed W3C valid PSD file included Updates 11th Oct 2012 - Updated jquery for twitter feed Please Note As IE8 do not support media queries, so it will not be responsive in IE8, it will behave as a non-responsive. No prettyPhoto video support in IE8. Template rendering may be different in IE8.... READ MORE

Review Left On 05/04/2022
Thanks for your interest.
Unlike wordpress theme, you must have a little or at least a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS to edit themes.

Review Left On 07/19/2022
Hi there,
I’m not a web designer, is this theme easy to edit, do you include instructions etc etc?

Review Left On 09/22/2022
In the screenshots section … how can I make the image itself the link as well… without prettyphoto seeing it as another photo? When I href link them, prettyphoto opens up just the way it should, but it sees it as an additional photo .. so you scroll twice to get to the next photo.
Responsive video site launch coming soon
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