Vintageo Under Construction / Coming Soon Template
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Vintageo is a HTML Under Construction / Coming Soon Template Features Jquery countdown W3C valid Includes working subscription form (This only send email of sender to reciever) Mailchimp ready (help file included, not displayed in demo) PSD file included... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
When I try to upload this through word-press its says the style sheet is missing. Any idea where it might be?
Thanks SG

Review Left On 04/17/2022
I don’t know much about magento. But HTML page can be incorporated in any CMS or Ecommerce platform, if you know how to make it ready for the same.

Review Left On 10/03/2022
Great template! It is really very well done, organized and documented (link to the missing fonts in order to change the logo would be the docs perfect, just a suggestion, not a problem ;o). If you are thinking about buy it, just do it, you get even more than described. Thanks tansh!
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