JPhotolio: Responsive Wedding Photography Template
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JPhotolio is premium responsive template for Wedding Photographer. This themes provide everything that you need to “WOW” your visitor with your photo, video, or even music. JPhotolio provide very easy way your visitor get in touch with you. From Integration with Google Direction with Ajax Contact form. Update Update 02 September 2013 Remove JSON Usage, and use HTML instead. So now Ajax Response (Curtain effect) will be easier to use Make Contact form easier to use add feature HTML contact form Fix problem when having many menu Update Documentation Attention Love / Vote, Protected Portfolio is feature that need backend response. response of those feature is not included within this template Some of Testimonial For JPh... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
I need to update the theme as it doesn’t work with latest wordpress and PHP . The them was bought by me back in 2013 when it was different Item ID .
Item ID:
Purchase Date:
Thats the old link below:
How should I proceed as website needs updated theme .

Review Left On 04/13/2022
All the sudden the image gallery template stopped working on my jphotolio wordpress template (v.4.5.8). My clients cannot even input their password (the pinwheel just keeps moving but nothing happens) to view their proofs. If I use a regular template (like blog view) and add a plugin for the images, it works perfectly (although it then allows them to steal the pics from the site) so I know the problem is with the template. Any ideas? (click on leiliane). If you click on Karol, you will be taken to a login page (that’s the one I chose to use the default template).
Thanks in advance!

Review Left On 04/16/2022
please can you help me I need to add music and pictures but I don’t know how and also I want the images I put on my web to slide not to open in a different url
Simplemente | Multipurpose Corporate PSD Template
Portable – Creative PSD Template
Vivid - jQuery/HTML Template
Flight - Responsive Fullscreen Background Template

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hi, first of all thanks love the template, but when i put a video html from my server it doesn’t show the button to go fullscreen im not talking of the front slider, when i put a video on the blog part it doesn’t show the toggle fullscreen how can i do that? is there a simple method? please help

Review Left On 04/18/2022
he comprado JPhotlio version html.
En el live preview que esta en la web cuando entro al menu de PORTFOLIO me salen todos los espacios para fotografias y al hacer click sobre cualquiera se me abre la imagen mas grande y con galeria, pero en la plantilla origina e queda pensando y no me abre como el live preview
Por otro lado las imagenes cuando las reemplazo no me las deja ver todas solo algunas, que debo hacer

Review Left On 04/22/2022
recently purchased this item… but no folder this there
i try to zip and upload available jphotolio folder but i was unable to upload theme at wordpress please reply

Review Left On 04/24/2022
hi WarrenBKIngston, its also very surprising that you having problem that i never encounter and any people having the same problem like you is none. i ask you about URL where i can see the problem. but you don’t give me any answer. so anything is up to you. either you want us to help or you don’t want us to help.

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hi Jeg
Your theme is great – very impressed.
I’ve looked through the forums and help pages – but cant find the solution to my problem?
I have 5 pages under the home page, when I add additional pages the frame breaks – I have tried loading several different page styles but the page will only appear under the home page (but not always) and cant be moved in to the “menu” system – it appears in the menu (admin page) but doesn’t move on the live web page.
Thanks in advance

Review Left On 05/02/2022
Hola! compre con ustedes la plantilla jphotolio-responsive-wedding-photography-template pero arroja un error cuando la estoy instalando, dice No se ha podido descomprimir el paquete. El tema no tiene la hoja de estilo style.css. Que puedo hacer?

Review Left On 05/03/2022
I purchased the JPhotolio template html version. I must clarify that I am beginner but eager to learn more and more in this environment of web pages.
I have a question regarding the menu Galleries PORTFOLIO in the preview test found in the web page looks like every time you clicked on an image gallery that is enlarged and displayed a description .
This operation when done in the files that you download only goes up the image of the gallery and is not extended or anything not even previewing the image, the accompanying documentation I think is the explanation but not understand, that file should I modify and which are the lines I should add programming to appreciate this menu
I will try to attach previous images

Review Left On 06/03/2022
Pleace help meeeee
Hi, I have problem with html portfolio. if i click on the picture of the gallery witch uploaded pictures this do nothing. i habe update the code in the doc:
itemWidth : “220”,
galleryDim : “3”,
descDim : “1”,
loadAnimation : “sequpfade”,
theatherMode : 0,
lang : {
portfoliotitle : “Password : admin”,
passwordplaceholder : “Password”,
submit : “Submit”
var ajaxdata = {
id : 'flower-peda',
width : 560,
height : 400,
theater : 0,
action : 'get_portfolio_item'
. I dont now what to do steep to steep. I try since 14 day. You ca check it hier
Pleace helpp .
merry chrismas

Review Left On 07/14/2022
I think that Jeg doesnt know what he is doing really. It is really surprising that Envato lets him sell his themes here. It drags the company down really.

Review Left On 08/31/2022
I am having trouble in the gallery ( masonry )
I want this gallery but only 1 photo you want to open.
ajax coding for how to do this?
I would appreciate if you can help.

Review Left On 10/02/2022
Hello, I have a problem when I try to install this theme in wordpress I detects an error, ” has not been able to unzip the package. The issue has sheet style.css style. ” , And check the tablet and if contains but not detected, it is possible that the file that you buy is damaged , you may review the template and give me a solution please , since I just bought the issue and urged me to use the template , you could give me a solution as ASAP please , thank you.