Catch Landing is clean and premium landing page template with unlimited color schemes (it comes in 7 pre-made color schemes), 3 layouts each, and 2 backgrounds for each color to choose from (light and dark background). Features 42 Landing pages [3 layouts, 2 background colors, 7 color schemes]. Responsive design. Working contact form. Working Mailchimp newsletter subscription form. Layered elements PSD file. Google fonts. Font icons. Well commented CSS3 and HTML5. User friendly documentation. Compatible with browsers starting from IE8. Unlimited Color schemes Comes in 7 color schemes, plus a color picker to create your own color scheme. Color schemes are defined in a separate color.css which makes editing/creating color schemes very easy... READ MORE

Review Left On 05/02/2022
Hi great template, I just have a question: ¿does something special has to be installed in the server for the contact form to work? I usually work with WordPress so this is a grey area for me. Thanks.

Review Left On 05/02/2022
I just realized I need to know how to code. I don’t know how. I purchased the Catch Landing page thinking it would be easy like drag and drop.
Do you know of anyone who can install this for me? Customize it? If it’s extra how much?

Review Left On 05/14/2022
Hi Carlbert,
Thanks for your interest in Catch Landing, the landing page include a php file which handles form sending, it just use the php mail function.
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