Overview Simplething is a clean and subtle HTML template, suitable for portfolios, showcasing projects and services. It also looks good on mobile devices because of its responsive layout. Scan the QR code to check it out. If you only need a PSD version of this template, you can buy it from here Main features: Clean \u0026amp; flexible design Responsive layout for smartphones and tablets Based on Bootstrap and using its fluid grid system Included pages: Homepage – 2 slight variations Portfolio – 2 variations (small and large images) Portfolio Single – 2 slight variations (one simpler and one with thumbnail selector) Services Pricing About us Blog Blog Single Typography page Interface Elements – this includes practically 8 subpa... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Thank you for your reply.
Just to clarify, the image on typography.html is only provided as a jpeg and not in PSD format to edit?
I wanted that image as an editable file.
I am not interested in the laptops or mobile devices more in slide 4.
Is this available as an editable file in PSD format so I can change to my own needs.

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Hi Boyan,
Please, how can I change the widget testimonial’s height (actually 84px)?
This wrapper create a little issue (also in the responsive version): the overflow is hidden and I cannot read the full text inside the widget…
You can see the problem here.
Thanks very much

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hi there!
Really keen on buying the template.
Can you change de color scheme and typhography? My corporate identity is orange, so I would love to know.
R.Veal Theme
We Design - One page portfolio
Artix - One Page Responsive Bootstrap Template
Salted Caramel - Minimal PSD Theme
HealthPress - Medical WordPress Theme

Review Left On 04/12/2022
Very ibnterested in buying, but i need some infos on forms.
I noted that the border color is red, not blue like on boostrap
Since I will have to make extensive use of form on the site, this is relevant to me.
Thanks for your replay
I also saw your psd, are you going to turn them into html?
I’m interested in one

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Amazing work ! Very good. Would LOVE <3 Wordpress version, subscribed to newsletter. Thank you

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Nice theme I have a few questions before I buy.
Are the images used in the slide show part of the package?
Is the image used on typography.html also part of the package
Is the contact form working as I have tried it on the live version and nothing happens.
Thank you

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Will you be making a WP version? If so, how long to wait? As I would ideally like to purchase a CMS version. Thanks.

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Where can I get the more IconSweets white icons used by you ? I purchased Iconsweets deluxe package but there are no white icons like you use.

Review Left On 04/29/2022
In this link you provided: http://beta.wh1sp.com/simplething/html/portfolio_single.html it is fine now If I buy this version will it be updated with the fix now?

Review Left On 05/02/2022
I was looking at the documentation for this theme and noticed that you use a customized version of bootstrap.min.css. In the future if I wish to upgrade to a more recent version of Bootstrap, can you explain the modifications to this file that need to be made?
Also, in order to get the layered PSD files for a full page, do I need to purchase the PSD package?

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Yes, it’s the updated one. This was caused by the width of the DIV that contains the nav elements.
However if you still have this bug somehow, please contact us through the form in the bottom right corner of our profile.

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hi, i’ve seen this theme, and i really like. But before i buy it, i have a question.
Would it be possible to change the width of the Blog content? In the sample it seems too narrow, and would not be good for long posts.

Review Left On 06/17/2022
Hi Support – we thought we bought Keylight – Light and Flat – but it appears we bought a Simplething – Cleanhtml – is there any way we can change this as this was not the template we require. We have not downloaded a Simplething either as its not what we want. We thought we bought Keylight which is what we require.
Can you help please
David Caulfield

Review Left On 06/26/2022
I like it , good work Boyan, and great start to themeforest journey.
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