Artix is a professional single page scrolling responsive HTML5 template which has been built using the Twitter Bootstrap framework. The template comes complete with a Flexslider, Quicksand portfolio with Fancy Box, working contact form, Twitter tweets and also uses lots of features which are available as part of Twitter Bootstrap. Features Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome Well documented code and css Html5 Responsive Design Css3 Styling Quicksand Gallery Working Contact Form Twitter Integration Google Font Replacement I have also included a documentation folder to guide you through the code. I hope that I have covered everything but if there is something that you would like to know then I am happy to help o... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Another beautiful theme-plate! Everything is really well designed and assembled, as usual with your high quality templates. This is a lovely, light-weight design, with loads of features and functionality, really pleased with it.
Wanted to point out that when I tested this on mobile: the portfolio overlay is OVER the image/video/et al in the lightbox – also, in your screen shot, the “work” section is displayed as thumbs, but in my test it displayed as a single column (which I don’t mind, just wondered which is the intended display?); there is a width issue as a bottom scroll bar is present; and the “back to top” button is not visible.

Review Left On 04/10/2022
I tested using Chrome but now that the site is on-line, in Firefox, the top slides have twice the height they need, so creates large white space under them.

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Hello Jo Phillips,
I bought your template Artix. Template i very nice but I have problem with form. Yes I have send.php file set but when I click on the button Send a can not see the message “Thank you ….” and so I can not see button for send form … I can see only the Reset button
Can you help my please?
Thank you very much and sorry for my english
Best regards,
Salted Caramel - Minimal PSD Theme
Simple Landing Page
We Design - One page portfolio

Review Left On 05/07/2022
*Edit to first comment: The Twitter Feed and the search section were causing the scroll bar on the bottom in mobile.

Review Left On 05/16/2022
Hi. Fantastic template, really useful and well laid out.
Just one problem. Same one as Otass. When I click the submit button the form data gets sent correctly…but no thank you message? Thanks in advance..

Review Left On 05/31/2022
The portfolio overlay is fixed now, i’ve made an update. The back to top is a text link on the footer for mobile views but you can add it if you wish by removing “hidden phone” from the html.