Civic is a Responsive Business HTML Template Features Responsive – Twitter Bootstrap Flex slider Parallax slider prettyPhoto Filterable portfolio Working contact form working countdown W3C valid PSD files included QR Code Updates 16th June 2013 - Update for twitter feed 11th Oct 2012 – version 1.4 - Updated jquery for twitter feed 11th Oct 2012 – version 1.3 - Fix for horizontal scroll bar in ipad (landscape) 10th Oct 2012 – version 1.2 - Fix for placeholder display in IE 10th Oct 2012 – version 1.1 - Added coming soon page - Added 404 error page - Added home page variation Please Note As IE8 do not support media queries, so it will not be responsive in IE8, it will behave as a non-responsive. Template render... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/20/2022
As I’m getting you do not need menu as it is provided with the template. Instead need tabs for ‘menu and content’.
If so, as bootstrap is used, please go through bootstrap tabs. You will need to style tab navigation as menu style.

Review Left On 04/20/2022
I’d like to purchase, but I would need to change some background colors in the body, is that easy to do and is it in the documentation what styles to change?

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Want to purchase. Does the main navigation allow dropdown menus and addition of those pages to parallax scroll to? In other words, is there any limit to the number of “pages” in the navigation and to have all of those pages be single screen, above-the-fold pages.
I think this design is well suited for a site has succinct content that can fit on one page without requiring vertical scrolling.
Also, I’m assuming each page can accept a tab or accordion plugin in order to fit more than one page of text on that page without vertical scrolling?
A Stunning Interactive Agency PSD
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Handel | eCommerce PSD Template

Review Left On 06/04/2022
Hello, first of all: good theme!
I have a problem with (collapse menu) acordion inside of tab, I do some menu tabs like in “about menu” in the theme and inside of them There are one acordion section, when I open html document the first acordion works but inside the other tabs the acordion doesn’t open. How can I do to make it work?

Review Left On 06/15/2022
Hi i like to buy this theme i want to add this theme to wordpress. Its not an wordpress theme know. Is it possible.