Overview Hello there. This is Protoss, a clean and beautiful corporate template for Joomla! 2.5 and Joomla! 3.0 featuring a fully responsive and retina ready design. Protoss also features K2 Component with fully responsive design and a unique look and feel, DNP Slider – the best responsive slider for Joomla! and DNP Portfolio the best responsive portfolio/media filter for Joomla! The template loads fast, avoids compatibility issues, it’s framework FREE and fully responsive. It comes with REAL Quickstart Installation Package for Joomla! 2.5 and Joomla! 3.X (a clone of the demo), various extensions and PSD Sources for various graphics used on the demo site. Please note that some images are replaced with watermarked images. I am constantly u... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
We are having a slight problem with this template. It seems that all images that comes from a content, or joomla extension, gets a new line, which results to big difference to the desired look.
We’ve already discussed this issue with the author of the template, but have not found a solution yet. We are hoping that the community can share some insights. Thank you very much

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Stay tuned for the next update: lots of new features coming with the Protoss Template for Joomla 3: the latest slider, full width and boxed layout, new modules and other features and improvements

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hi Dan,
We have purchased Protoss, corporate template for Joomla!. Currently we have an issue – the site stops working when we enable the SEO Friendly setting.
How do we address this issue.
Also we would like to authorizing our web design partner to communicate with you on our behalf. Please assist us in this regard.
Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you.
Quinto PSD Template
BIG Countdown - Fullscreen Coming Soon Page
Orange - Comingsoon Template
Landy.Page - Responsive Retina Landing Page
Medicals - Premium Responsive Medical Template

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Hi, when I edit the “contact footer” module the little icons infront of the address, mail and number disappears. This also make the social icons disappear. Same problem when giving links to social icons in header. They disappear. Please send me the module HTML to restore this. Thanks.

Review Left On 04/30/2022
I was just about to purchase the item when I noticed that the live preview links to the Wordpress Version and not the Joomla version. The description says that there are 5 colour choices, but on the wordpress demo there is a colour slider. So I am wondering what else is different?
Any chance you can update the preview link to point to the correct template, I have found the right one now, but it is a little misleading to be sent to the more feature rich WP version.
thanks I will continue to test the Joomla version now.

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hi, Before i buy can you please advise that Protoss Clean Corporate Template For Joomla 3.X is fully supported on php version 5.4?
Thank you

Review Left On 05/26/2022
Hi, it is possible to use 3-columns layout (with two sidebars)?

Review Left On 06/02/2022
It’s possible to see this awsome theme support RTL.
It’s possible to use my own font on it .?

Review Left On 07/18/2022
Hey, Dan! I am using this template on a project proposal for a massive project (5 languages, directories with over 1,000,000 items). I am wondering if the capability exists to have a full-width slider like on the wordpress version?
Hoping to purchase my 4th dnp_theme template soon! We’ll make it 5 templates when and if Aeon becomes responsive!

Review Left On 08/01/2022
The demo using latest update, check this out
The update will be available ASAP, the review team is on it.

Review Left On 08/12/2022
I just got this, and currently am using it. I’m having a problem on how to get the social network icons to show, it does neem to be a module. Can anyone point me to a guide?

Review Left On 08/20/2022
I buy protoss theme to joomla 3, but i see the DNP Slider Module dont work on IE11 (The laste IE) how can i solve this big problem?
Ricardo Gomes

Review Left On 09/02/2022
i can’t figure out how to change the footer contact details, last line on the homepage and most content on the homepage. Help please

Review Left On 09/16/2022
It seems that DNP slider does not work in EI 10 or 11. On the whole, will not slide right in IE. I have tried Firefox and it works very well. Check yourself to open your demo in IE and you’ll see what I write about.
How should it be fixed for it to appear correctly in IE?

Review Left On 09/22/2022
Hello again,
Really nice template. However I’ve got some probs with the popup (for maps).
All popups for maps doesn’t work. I’ve got a big new page instead of popups.
What I’m doing wrong?
(sorry for my english)

Review Left On 09/23/2022
Hi Dan,
really nice work.. but there are maybe some bugs in the slider. no matter what i do, i always get message (missing field.. sequence..label style…) by saving the slides…
my other problem is.. i need to have my site in 14 languages and have do define a primary menu in your theme… is there the possibility to choose a module position called menu or something else? :-/ i´m using J3.0
that woult be great…
best regards