Daisho is a portfolio solution for creative professionals and companies looking for a minimal and professional look. Flexible and responsive presentation, smooth navigational flow and clutter-free approach. Put your works in focus. The definitive portfolio solution for creative professionals available now. Demo Versions Thumbnail Grid Classic Mode Daisho WooCommerce Mobile Demo Major Features Portfolio display with category filter Two homepage modes – Daisho Grid and Classic Homepage Multi-category projects Present Identity, Motion, Web, Print, Photo projects and more! YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, HTML5 videos (and more) support About Us section Services section Our Team section Blog Ability to create any other pages wit... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
I just bought Daisho, but the LayerSlider WP bundled is (also just) now outdated.
Can you provide purchase/Activation code?
Thank you!

Review Left On 04/14/2022
Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.

Review Left On 05/25/2022
https://www.bwd.co.za/portfolio/diphuti/ All the portfolio items are breaking and showing code where it’s supposed to show text and pictures. We’ve had this issue for months. We did a lot of troubleshooting and also extended our support. The issues still persists. What can we do to fix this ?
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Review Left On 07/08/2022
1. This is translatable using /languages/ folder and PO/MO files. You’ll need something like POEdit and WPML to accomplish that. The strings are prepared according to official standards.
2. If you have only 1 person then you don’t need to insert the carousel block. We recommend inserting just standard image and text blocks.
You could use this CSS to hide the arrows:
.page-id-1234 .wp-block-ikon-swiper .swiper-button-next { display: none; }
.page-id-1234 .wp-block-ikon-swiper .swiper-button-prev { display: none; }
In Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.

Review Left On 07/13/2022
Hi there, great theme, but I have an issue after updating from 3.x to 4.2: I can’t seem to change the order of portfolio items.
They’re always sorted by date. I can switch it from ASC to DSC and vice versa, but I cannot set the sort order to “rand” or “none”, it doesn’t change the order at all.

Review Left On 07/13/2022
I recently checked my website and the pictures on the homepage portfolio no longer appear. When I go to customise they show. I installed the latest version of the theme but the layout seems different and there is no instructions on setting up the portfolio with the latest theme edition. www.adventuretime.ie. Thanks

Review Left On 07/29/2022
1-I can’t be able to change Recent Projects ’’VİEW PORTFOLİO’’ title as View Clients on Homepage wp:ikon/latest-projects
2-For Our team section I have only one person but arrows appears, is there a way to remove those arrows and use picture black to colour version?

Review Left On 07/30/2022
Looks like fonts (and sizes) have changed since WP 5.8, which tend to ruin the global theme look.
It definitely needs an update.

Review Left On 09/13/2022
Could we expect a theme update at some point since I recently notice that some blocks are not displayed properly anymore in WP back-end (Latest Projects, Latest posts) ?

Review Left On 09/18/2022
Hi, I add portfolio items but Thumbnail footer text (optional) is not showing up on home page projects widget. I cleared caches but no solved? Also is there a way to re-order portfolio items ?