Introduction “Things for cuties” is a sweet and colorful Photoshop template, perfect suitable for baby / child / kids candy, toys, clothing or fashion e-commerce online shop / store websites. )” title=” :)” /\u0026gt; This template is part of a package. Matching email newsletter templates, HTML site template, fully working OpenCart version, a Zen Cart version and the complete corporate design, including logo and stationery are available at themeforest and graphicriver. With your purchase you will support the children’s charity UNICEF. I donate 15% of every sale. What’s inside? 9 layered and well organized PSD files home category in list and grid view product about blog list blog entry contact shopping cart checkout one layered AI file docu... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Thanks, SamuelNabz! Yes, there will be an opencart version of it in future, as well as an site template and maybe an prestashop version…

Review Left On 04/14/2022
There are so many version of the same files and is very confusing. Other template say it doesn’t include AI file which has logo in the vector format so you would be able to change so I bought this version and now finding that’s a bitmap format. How do I change the logo text?

Review Left On 04/25/2022
I am trying to upload the theme on my wordpress and I am getting error, can you help me with that?
the error is “The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet. “
FineTune - Responsive Creative Portfolio Template
Me.Card - HTML V-card theme
TouchM Premium HTML5 Multipurpose Responsive
Ego Onepage Responsive Parallax Template
Daisho - Flexible WordPress Portfolio Theme

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Excellent breadboard model.
Can make to me a breadboard model of aviation club?
Yours faithfully to your experience,
Staselko Michael.

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Hi. I just upload this theme for my Shopify website. But it say: zip does not contain a valid theme: missing template “layout/theme.liquid”. Pls check and support soon! Thanks

Review Left On 05/28/2022
is it possible that i can change most of the elements for a custom design.. for instance is the background image of the baby bits customizable via photoshop template … nice theme

Review Left On 06/06/2022
Nice design, GLWS .
Looks like an OpenCart layout. Will you be making this an OC theme?

Review Left On 06/10/2022
Great design. If zou will release an OpenCart theme I will definitely buy it.
Good luck with sales!

Review Left On 07/13/2022
damn looks like envato staff kept denying you but when given a chance you make good amt of sales.

Review Left On 10/03/2022
after I uploaded gif file to small banner blue it doesn’t show animation?
only show as picture?
anything wrong? how to solve?