«TouchM» is a premium responsive HTML5 / CSS3 which uses the best practices of latest technologies and is compatible with all mobile devices. We optimized all the elements in this theme to work flawless on touch devices. You can swipe, tap, double tap on theme elements to see how fluid and responsive are. TouchM is suitable for wide range of websites, from personal blogs to small business and corporate websites. 3 responsive sliders, Filterable portfolio with various layouts, a comprehensive list of shortcodes covering most scenarios, pricing tables and numerous jquery enhancements are just a small part of what the template offers. The theme uses Foundation v 3.0 framework by Zurb which is currently known as the most powerful responsiv... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Hello friend, okay?
I found a problem when access the site in Safari browser. The slideshow of the home page, when I click on the link “home”, it does not recharge the images of the “slider revolution”. Can you help me?
Thank you.

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hi xereda,
The other version (48$) is the Wordpress version and this one is the HTML version (requires HTML and CSS knowledge). You can read more about wordpress here: https://wordpress.org/about/.

Review Left On 05/11/2022
model comes with an administration panel?
model comes with a members area
Would it be possible to add other tooltips shortcodes, content, modal, Boxes Lightbox, etc. Thanks
Thank You
Ego Onepage Responsive Parallax Template
Aquarius - Responsive Admin Panel
Rudermann - Agency / Business PSD Template
Saptcard Vcard Template
Me.Card - HTML V-card theme

Review Left On 06/02/2022
I am always interested
Extract the full source code of a portfolio page with css?
I wonder if I can extract the full source code
integrated to another html page
how to do?
Thank you

Review Left On 08/31/2022
Dear developer,
What is the difference of this template to the other of ($ 48)?
Thank U.