Youngpro is HTML / CSS facebook template (fixed width 810px). Jquery flex slider Well layered PSD files Working subscribe form (just sends message to email id of receiver) Documentation included W3C valid Please note : You must have an SSL certificate to create a Facebook tab. Credits Photos Icons Fruit designed by Jayme Davis from The Noun Project Sun designed by Adam Whitcroft from The Noun Project Dumbbell designed by Travis J. Lee from The Noun Project Leaf designed by Mateo Zlatar from The Noun Project... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Really like it….it has very usefull features as well as been well designed.
Do these kinds of templates work on a Facebook Business Page as opposed to a regular personal account because I had problems before and gave up when I bought another one.
Great Job!

Review Left On 04/15/2022
The facebook previews are not working. I suspect because facebook requires that these pages get served from an https protocol and not just plain http…
But that’s just a guess…

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Hi, i whant buy this template
but i don’t understend… my server is not ssl, work same?
Privileg Mail
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Hypershot - Photography Portfolio WordPress Theme
Studio Box | WordPress Theme

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Hi, I upload all files on my hosting, but JS files not working. I don’t know why. Please help.

Review Left On 05/06/2022
I want to build a page for my business in facebook and I liked your template, it’s very clean and professional.
But I have one doubt: a “facebook” template is a template to use “inside” facebook (like some app or control panel that I don’t know) or I need to host it on my own server and facebook grab the content, like an iframe content (which I believe will be easy to edit)?
Sorry for the dumb question, but I don’t know how facebook templates works.

Review Left On 07/15/2022
interesting idea + a good performance + beautiful presentation = flawless work !!! I really like your work !!!

Review Left On 08/05/2022
Love the theme! Your going to do well with facebook themes like these! Have you thought of doing html emails to go along as well?

Review Left On 08/25/2022
Facebook timeline view is invalid
Oops! Looks like the page you’re looking for was moved or never existed.