Aqua is a Fully Customizable, Responsive Business HTML Theme Aqua is a Responsive, HTML5/CSS3 theme that features a clean and slick design that is suitable for a wide variety of websites. It includes a Theme Styler tool that helps you customize the theme anyway you like: unlimited colors, 3 menu presets, the best of Google Fonts + 2 Layout modes. It utilizes Skeleton CSS Framework and is 100% tablet/phone friendly. Aqua also includes Sequence slider, FlexSlider, jCarousel, Google Web fonts and more to contribute to an enjoyable, intuitive and functionally exhaustive user experience. The theme includes plenty of reusable elements: Sliders, Tabs, Accordions, Testimonials, Messages, Lists, Buttons, Tooltips, HighLights, several presets of Text... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Well you can add some custom element as there isn’t such indication at the moment, matter of fact there isn’t one at the regular menu either, breadcrumbs is what determines that…

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Hi, I am having trouble customizing the main page. How do I put services, why work with us, just like your live preview example?

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Hello ,
Great theme , i need help with the slider. I am trying to change the position of the text box on the slide from left to right , when i tried changing this .info.animate-in {
left: 8%; to right:0%; , it still does not work properly the text is shifted to right but does not show fully. Can you help me out with this ?
Happy Holiday Facebook Template
Corotiva - Facebook Business Template
Patience - Responsive Coming Soon HTML5 Template
Anima - Coming Soon Template
Encore Onepage Product Showcase with Parallax

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Hello. This is a great HTML template. Very clean. However, like other comments, I’d like to see a version with full width and not boxed. You have that, you have my cash.

Review Left On 04/09/2022
how do I set up the comments in the html version – it shows as available but can’t figure out how to set it up

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hello, although this template is produced in 2012 and updated 5 years ago, still it looks like very good and simple to use. Thanks to coder / creator.
I have a very simple question, is it possible to auto play for JCarousel area (Featured Services) on the home page. For example: 1 step from right to left each in a second.?
Thanks in advance for your respond.

Review Left On 04/13/2022
We are currently using the theme here However, we’ve noticed that new blog posts (since February 1, 2016) have not been posting to the blog section There are various new posts since February 1st (example: and are accessible with the direct url, but aren’t populating to the blog/archive page. Help please.

Review Left On 04/18/2022
On the mobile select menu what is the code to show that I am on a particular page. i.e. when I go to the contact page the mobile menu is on contact instead of home.

Review Left On 04/21/2022
i make a mistake. we think this is WP version. but when i have bought and see the post. we find it is html version. it is useless for us. can you decrease for the USD17 and buy the WORDPRESS VERSION

Review Left On 05/19/2022
Hey there
A pre-purchase question. I see you have the portfolio but there is no actual photo gallery – as in prettyPhoto. Is it possible to include this feature as it is a sought after element?
Thanks in advance.

Review Left On 06/06/2022
Hi, I have two issues and I have reproduced those on your demo:
Under Firefox 38 and IE 11 the site is not resizing correctly in small view.
Resize the browser you will see the problem with menu and some sections.
Some section that are wider than the rest.
With Chrome it is OK.
The button class are not displaying ok when located in information class.
If I remove the information class the button class is ok.

Review Left On 06/30/2022
I purchased your template and really like it, but when I change the navigation on the site, it does not change on mobile devices.

Review Left On 07/29/2022
The contact form on this site was working great, and now we get the following error. Help!
Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at “” port 25, verify your “SMTP” and “smtp_port” setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in D:\www\c\e\\www\contact.php on line 97
ERROR! Please ensure PHP Mail() is correctly configured on this server.

Review Left On 09/10/2022
Is there any possibilities to have full width style site (not only footer) instead of boxed?

Review Left On 09/16/2022
Great Theme, Thank You. Maybe add LinkedIn icons for the social media section in next version release?