Crealand – A perfect start up template for companies, individuals and professionals. This template was designed with Responsive design, Popup/slideout Login and registration/signup forms, Video Support, Rotating twitterfeed and much more.. This template is Valid Html so will work cross platforms and browsers. FEATURES Responsive Foundation framework Responsive slider Pop up Login form Pop up signup / registration form Rotating Tweets Video support (vimeo \u0026amp; youtube) Well Documented No coding knowledge required Valid HTML UPDATES 11 July = Twitterfeed updated = CREDITS All files and resources I’ve used are located below. A big thanks goes out to those who have made it possible to let us use there resources for c... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Such a clean theme! Is there an option to show an android phone with a hand instead of iphone?
Thank you!

Review Left On 04/25/2022
It is a very nice template. But the slide down form seems to not be working. Could you please let me know how to make it work just for newsletter mailing list registration?

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hi, I can’t find the background picture you’ve included in this page. Do you have it by any chance?
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Samswine Retail Facebook Template.
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GReptem - HTML 5 CSS3 Simple One page
Orange Responsive V-card Template

Review Left On 05/03/2022
hello prior to purchasing just wanna know are the login php files already created or is this template just aesthetically showing login without actual functions? If so please let me know, i need a page that is already set up for logging in and redirecting to a back end site! could you please confirm!

Review Left On 06/11/2022
Hey buddy, if its just the landing page then why do we have a login there?
I dont wanna confuse people that if they login here, they can use same details to login on the app. Can you please clarify.
Awesome Landing page BTW.

Review Left On 06/22/2022
I really want this for my new network app. One question, where does the registered users info go? It is setup to connect to a new database?

Review Left On 06/24/2022
Sorry 1 last thing – Can i just keep android play logo and remove rest? I am just building android app for now??

Review Left On 07/10/2022
I was wondering if there was any way I can get this theme as a Wordpress theme? That would be swell!!

Review Left On 07/19/2022
Hi There,
I am interested in purchasing this theme, I jus have a few questions:
1. Is most of the editing/ customization done in HTML or in CSS?
2. Is it possible to add extra customize fields to the Sign Up menu? If so, is it difficult to do this?

Review Left On 10/04/2022
Hi, just having an issue that hopefully you can help fix. Everytime we load the slider image the resolution drops causing the image to be blurry on the site. Thanks for your help…...
Tried to erase, but we fixed the problem… thanks