RiverS is a Responsive HTML5 / CSS3 template created for corporate and portfolio websites. It’s using the best practices of latest technologies and is compatible with all mobile devices. We optimezed all the elements in this template to work flawless on touch decives. You can swipe, tap, double tap on theme elements to see how fluid and responsive are. RiverS is suitable for wide range of websites, from personal blogs to small business and corporate websites. 3 responsive sliders, Filterable portfolio with various layouts, a comprehensive list of shortcodes covering most scenarios, pricing tables and numerous jquery enhancements are just a small part of what the template offers. The theme uses Foundation v 3.0 framework by Zurb Foundat... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/12/2022
Need to get same side-nav menu on :
I could get the same side-nav menu on my own site:
the Active page is not having the #333 color same on the rivers side nav !!!
hope to get help

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Thanks for the theme, it is awesome. Does the Twitter feed work?

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Hi victory-motors,
You added the comment to the HTML version of Rivers but you give example the Wordpress version. Since i see that you use the WP version please open a ticket on our support forum: https://4grafx.ticksy.com/ .
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